Wh- Question Present Perfect Tense: Penjelasan dan Soal

Rumus Wh- Question Present Perfect Tense

Berikut beberapa rumus wh- question (pertanyaan yang dimulai dengan what, where, when, why, which, who, whose, atau how) dengan present perfect tense yang dibentuk dari auxiliary verb “have/has” dan verb-3 (past participle).

Kalimat Positif (+)

S + have/has + verb-3 (past participle)

Kalimat Interogatif (?)

menanyakan subject

  • Who/What + has + past participle
  • Whose/Which + noun + has/have + past participle

menanyakan object

  • Who/What + have/has + S + past participle
  • Whose/Which + noun + have/has + S + past participle

menanyakan adverb

  • When/Where/Why + have/has + S + past participle
  • How long/many times/… + have/has + S + past participle
Contoh wh-question present perfect tense: Where have you been? You're an hour late. (Ke mana saja kamu? Kamu terlambat satu jam.)
contoh wh-question present perfect tense

Contoh Kalimat Wh- Question Present Perfect Tense

  1. Bobby has studied English for one year.
    (Bobby telah belajar Bahasa Inggris selama satu tahun.)

    menanyakan subject

    Who has studied English for a year?
    (Siapa yang telah belajar Bahasa Inggris selama satu tahun?)

    menanyakan object

    What has Bobby studied for one year?
    (Apa yang telah Bobby pelajari selama satu tahun?)

    menanyakan adverb

    How long has Bobby studied English?
    (Berapa lama Bobby telah belajar Bahasa Inggris?)

  2. Sarah and her sister have worked in the pharmaceutical company since 2012.
    (Sarah dan saudarinya telah bekerja di perusahaan farmasi sejak tahun

    menanyakan subject

    Who has worked at the pharmaceutical company since 2012?
    (Siapa yang telah bekerja di perusahaan farmasi sejak tahun 2012?)

    menanyakan object (of preposition “in”)

    Which company have Sarah and her sister worked in since 2012?
    (Sarah dan saudarinya telah bekerja di perusahaan mana sejak tahun

    menanyakan adverb

    Where have Sarah and her sister worked since 2012?
    (Dimana Sarah dan saudarinya telah bekerja sejak tahun 2012?)

  3. They have visited Bali three times.
    (Mereka telah mengunjungi Bali tiga kali.)

    menanyakan subject

    Who has visited Bali three times?
    (siapa yang telah mengunjungi Bali tiga kali?)

    menanyakan object

    What have they visited three times?
    (Apa yang telah menreka kunjungi tiga kali?)

    menanyakan adverb

    How many times have they visited Bali?
    (Berapa kali mereka telah mengunjungi Bali?)

Contoh Soal Wh- Question Present Perfect Tense Pilihan Ganda

Pilihlah wh- question yang tepat untuk kalimat present perfect tense di bawah ini dengan mengetik a atau b.

  1. Alan has read a biography recently.

    1. What Alan has read recently?
    2. What has Alan read recently?

    Your answer:

  2. He has met his old classmates lately.

    1. Whom he has met lately?
    2. Whom has he met lately?

    Your answer:

  3. They have been to the grocery store.

    1. Where have they been?
    2. Where they have been?

    Your answer:

  4. The implementation of the strategic plan has run smoothly.

    1. How has the implementation of the strategic plan run?
    2. How the implementation of the strategic plan has run?

    Your answer:

  5. Our computers have started shutting down randomly because of overheating.

    1. Why our computers have started shutting down randomly?
    2. Why have our computers started shutting down randomly?

    Your answer:

  6. We have found ten solutions so far.

    1. How many solutions have we found so far?
    2. How many have solutions we found so far?

    Your answer:

  7. The cyclist has traveled 43,000 miles up to now.

    1. How far the cyclist has traveled up to now?
    2. How far has the cyclist traveled up to now?

    Your answer:

  8. They have rejected his visa application three times.

    1. How many times have they rejected his visa application?
    2. How many times they have rejected his visa application?

    Your answer:


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Lihat juga:


  1. Present Perfect Tense. esl.about.com. Accessed on January 23, 2014.
  2. WH-Words Questions in English and American Sign Language. seattlecentral.edu. Accessed on February 10, 2013.
  3. Wh- Question Formation. http://www2.gsu.edu/~eslhpb/grammar/lecture_10/wh_questions.html. Accessed on February 10, 2013.
  4. Types of Wh-Questions. http://www.rit.edu/ntid/rate/sea/processes/wh/grammatical/types. Accessed on February 10, 2013.
  5. Present Perfect Tense. http://grammar.ccc.commnet.edu/grammar/tenses/present_perfect.htm#perfect. Accessed on February 18, 2013.
  6. G3: QUESTIONS II – Present Perfect WH-. spring.edu. Accessed on March 11, 2016.
  7. Lately. dictionary.cambridge.org. Accessed on March 11, 2016.
  8. Common Mistakes in English – Has gone to vs. Has been to. esl.about.com. Accessed on March 11, 2016.
  9. Ramaswamy, E.S. 2007. Practical English Grammar.  Chennai: Sura Books, Ltd.

4 thoughts on “Wh- Question Present Perfect Tense: Penjelasan dan Soal”

    • Waaah maaf Zidan iya by default ya harusnya pakai singular saja apalagi penanya tidak tau jawabannya akan singular atau plural. Tapi bisa juga penanya menggunakan plural ketika dia mengharapkan jawaban plural. Sudah saya revisi ya Zidan..makasih banyak dan semoga makin jago bahasa Inggris kamu 🙂


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