Wh- Question Past Perfect Tense: Rumus dan Contoh Soal

Rumus Wh- Question dengan Past Perfect Tense

Berikut beberapa rumus wh- question (pertanyaan yang dimulai dengan what, where, when, why, which, who, whose, atau how) dengan past perfect tense yang dibentuk dari auxiliary verb “had” dan verb-3 (past participle).

Kalimat Positif (+)

S + had + verb-3 (past participle)

Kalimat Interogatif (?)

menanyakan subject

  • Who/What + had + past participle
  • Whose/Which + noun + past participle

menanyakan object

  • Who/What + had + S + past participle
  • Whose/Which + noun + had + S + past participle

menanyakan adverb

  • When/Where/Why + had + S + past participle
  • How many times/often/… + had + S + be + past participle

Lihat juga:

Contoh Kalimat Wh- Question dengan Past Perfect Tense

  1. She had finished setting the dinner table when the guests came over.
    (Dia telah selesai menata meja makan malam ketika para tamu datang.)

    menanyakan subject

    Who had finished setting the dinner table when the guests came over?
    (Siapa yang telah selesai menata meja makan malam ketika para tamu datang?)

    menanyakan object

    What had she finished setting when the guests came over?
    (Apa yang telah selesai dia tata ketika para tamu datang?)

  2. The class had visited the public library every month until 2013.
    (Kelas tersebut telah mengunjungi perpustakaan umum setiap bulan sampai tahun 2013.)

    menanyakan object

    Which library had the class visited every month until 2013?
    (Perpustakaan mana yang telah dikunjungi kelas tersebut tiap bulan sampai tahun 2013.)

    menanyakan adverb

    How often had the class visited the public library until 2013?
    (Seberapa sering kela tersebut mengunjungi perpustakaan umum sampai tahun 2013?)

  3. Sony had changed his mind ten times before selling his car.
    (Sony telah mengubah pikirannya sepuluh kali sebelum menjual mobilnya.)

    menanyakan object

    What had Sony changed ten times before selling his car?
    (Apa yang telah Sony ubah sepuluh kali sebelum menjual mobilnya?)

    menanyakan adverb

    • Why had Sony changed his mind ten times before selling his car?
      (Mengapa Sony mengubah pikirannya sepuluh kali sebelum menjual mobilnya?)
    • How many times had Sony changed his mind before selling his car?
      (Berapa kali Sony mengubah pikirannya sebelum menjual mobil?)

Contoh Soal Wh- Question Past Perfect Tense dan Jawabannya

Buatlah wh- question dari kalimat positif past perfect tense di bawah ini menggunakan wh- word dan petunjuk lain di dalam kurung.

  1. He had cleaned all the windows before he went home. (what, do)

    before he went home?

  2. Argo had been so upset before the important appoinment. (why)

    before the important appointment?

  3. His father had travelled more than one hundred miles that day. (how many miles)

    that day?

  4. It had been a long time since they last met. (how long)

    since they last met?

  5. I was left alone. She had been to the grocery store. (where)



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Lihat juga:


  1. WH-Words Questions in English and American Sign Language. http://seattlecentral.edu/faculty/baron/ESL%20class/WH-Word%20questions%20in%20English%20and%20ASL.pptx. Accessed on February 10, 2013.
  2. Wh- Question Formation. http://www2.gsu.edu/~eslhpb/grammar/lecture_10/wh_questions.html. Accessed on February 10, 2013.
  3. Types of Wh-Questions. http://www.rit.edu/ntid/rate/sea/processes/wh/grammatical/types. Accessed on February 10, 2013.
  4. Past Perfect Tense. http://grammar.ccc.commnet.edu/grammar/tenses/past_perfect.htm. Accessed on January 23, 2014.

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