Rumus Wh- Question dengan Simple Past Tense
Berikut beberapa rumus wh- question (pertanyaan yang dimulai dengan what, where, when, why, which, who, whose, atau how) dengan simple past tense menggunakan kata kerja berupa linking verb “be” (was/were) atau verb-2 (bare infinitive + -ed, -en, -d, -t, -n, atau -ne untuk regular verb atau bentuk yang tidak konsisten pada irregular verb).
Kalimat Positif (+)
S + be
Kalimat Interogatif (?)
menanyakan subject
Who/What + be(was/were)
Whose/Which + noun + be(was/were)menanyakan adverb
When/Where/Why + be(was/were) + S
How + adverb(much/far/…) + be(was/were) + S -
Kalimat Positif (+)
S + verb-2
Kalimat Interogatif (?)
menanyakan subject
Who/What + V2
Whose/Which + noun + V2menanyakan object
Who/What + did + S + bare infinitive ?
Whose/Which + noun + did + S + bare infinitivemenanyakan adverb
When/Where/Why + did + S + bare infinitive
How + adverb(long/slowly/…) + did + S + bare infinitive

Lihat juga:
- Wh- Question dengan Simple Present Tense
- Wh- Question dengan Simple Future Tense
- Wh- Question dengan Past Perfect Tense
- Wh- Question
Contoh Kalimat Wh- Question dengan Simple Past Tense
- The children were here ten minutes ago.
(Anak-anak disini sepuluh menit lalu.)menanyakan subject
Who were here ten minutes ago?
(Siapa yang disini sepuluh menit lalu?)menanyakan adverb
- When were the children here?
(Kapan anak-anak disini?) - Where were the children ten minutes ago?
(Dimana anak-anak sepuluh menit lalu?)
- When were the children here?
- This book was popular when we were a child.
(Buku ini populer ketika kita kecil.)menanyakan subject
Which book was populer when we were a child?
(Buku mana yang populer ketika kita kecil?)menanyakan adverb
When was this book popular?
(Kapan buku ini populer?) - The new administrative assistant worked well enough yesterday.
(Asisten administrasi baru bekerja cukup baik kemarin.)menanyakan subject
Who worked well enough yesterday?
(Siapa yang bekerja cukup baik kemarin?)menanyakan adverb:
- When did the new administrative assistant work well enough?
(Kapan asisten administrasi baru bekerja dengan cukup baik?) - How well did the new administrative assistant work yesterday?
(Seberapa baik asisiten administrasi baru bekerja kemarin?)
- When did the new administrative assistant work well enough?
- She received ten calls after sending resume.
(Dia menerima sepuluh panggilan setelah mengirimkan resume.)menanyakan subject
Who received ten calls after sending resume?
(Siapa yang mendapat sepuluh panggilan setelah mengirim resume?)menanyakan object
What did she receive after sending resume?
(Apa yang dia terima setelah mengirimkan resume?) - He borrowed his friend’s car for several weeks.
(Dia meminjam mobil temannya selama beberapa minggu.)menanyakan object (possessive)
Whose car did he borrow for several weeks?
(Mobil siapa yang dia pinjam selama beberapa minggu?)
9 Contoh Soal Wh- Question Simple Past Tense
Pilihlah wh- question dari kalimat simple past tense yang merupakan jawaban dari kata-kata yang digarisbawahi dengan mengetik a, b, atau c.
She laid the basket on the floor.
- Who did lay the basket on the floor?
- Who laid the basket on the floor?
- Who did laid the basket on the floor?
Your answer:
Sisca sent the necessary documents.
- What Sisca sent?
- What did Sisca sent?
- What did Sisca send?
Your answer:
He treated the customer in a friendly way.
- How did he treat the customer?
- How he treated the customer?
- How did he treated the customer?
Your answer:
They stayed here awhile.
- How long did they stayed here?
- How long they stayed here?
- How long did they stay here?
Your answer:
The dodos were on the island of Mauritius.
- Where did the dodos?
- Where were the dodos?
- Where the dodos were?
Your answer:
The man sat in the front row.
- Where did the man sit?
- Where did the man sat?
- Where the man sat?
Your answer:
Our first guest arrived yesterday.
- When our first guest arrived?
- When did our first guest arrive?
- When did our first guest arrived?
Your answer:
They went home because they had finished their work.
- Why did they went home?
- Why they went home?
- Why did they go home?
Your answer:
The Persian cat had two kittens.
- How many kittens did the Persian cat have?
- How many kittens the Persian cat had?
- How many kittens did the Persian cat had?
Your answer:
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Lihat juga:
- WH-Words Questions in English and American Sign Language. Accessed on February 10, 2013.
- Wh- Question Formation. Accessed on February 10, 2013.
- Types of Wh-Questions. Accessed on February 10, 2013.
- G1: Simple Past VII WH- questions. Accessed on March 11, 2016.
- The Oxford dodo. Accessed on March 11, 2016.
- Exercise on Simple Past. Accessed on March 11, 2016.
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