Past Perfect Tense: Pengertian, Kalimat, dan Contoh Soal

Pengertian Past Perfect Tense

Past perfect tense adalah suatu bentuk kata kerja yang digunakan untuk menyatakan bahwa suatu aksi telah selesai pada suatu titik di masa lalu sebelum aksi lainnya terjadi. Aksi yang telah selesai di masa lampau itu dapat terjadi berulang kali maupun hanya sekali. Selain itu, tense ini juga dapat digunakan untuk membentuk conditional sentence tipe 3 dan reported speech.

Table of Contents:

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contoh kalimat past perfect tense dan artinya: She told me she had seen them twice. (Dia mengatakan kepada saya bahwa dia telah melihat mereka dua kali.)
contoh kalimat past perfect tense dan artinya

Rumus Past Perfect Tense

Past perfect tense dibentuk dengan auxiliary verb “had”, dan past participle (verb-3). Had digunakan baik untuk singular maupun plural subject. Sedangkan past participle dibentuk dengan menambahkan -ed, -en, -d, -t, -n, atau -ne pada base form berupa regular verb. Pada base form berupa irregular verb, bentuk past participle tidak konsisten.

Rumus past perfect tense: S (singular/plural) + had + past participle.
rumus past perfect tense

Yes-no question dapat langsung dibuat dengan menukar posisi subject dan had dan menambahkan tanda tanya di akhir kalimat.

Kalimat Positive

S + had + past participle

Kalimat Negative

S + had + not + past participle

Yes-No Question

Had + S + past participle

Contoh Kalimat Yes-No Question Past Perfect Tense

  1. He had eaten breakfast before he went to work today.
    (Dia sudah sarapan sebelum pergi bekerja hari ini.)

    Had he eaten breafast before he went to work today?
    (Apakah dia sudah sarapan sebelum pergi bekerja hari ini?)

  2. You had left by the time they arrived.
    (Kamu telah pergi pada saat mereka tiba.)

    Had you  left by the time they arrived?
    (Apakah kamu telah pergi pada saat mereka tiba?)

  3. The meeting had been started when  she came.
    (Pertemuan tersebut telah dimulai ketika dia datang.)

    Had the meeting been started when she came?
    (Apakah pertemuan tersebut telah dimulai ketika dia tiba?)

Contoh Short Answer Response Past Perfect Tense

  1. Had I/we seen it before?
    • Yes, you had.
    • No, you hadn’t.
  2. Had she/he seen it before?
    • Yes, she/he had.
    • No, she/he hadn’t.
  3. Had you seen it before?
    • Yes, I had.
    • No, I hadn’t.
  4. Had they seen it before?
    • Yes, they had.
    • No, they hadn’t.
contoh yes-no question past perfect tense dan artinya: Had they already left when you arrived at the party?(Apakah mereka sudah pergi saat kamu tiba di pesta?)
contoh yes-no question past perfect dan artinya

Lihat juga:

Fungsi dan Contoh Kalimat Past Perfect Tense

  1. Past perfect tense untuk mengekspresikan aksi di masa lampau yang telah selesai terjadi sebelum past event lainnya. Subordinate conjunction yang dapat digunakan antara lain:
    • after (simple past tense + after + past perfect tense)
    • before, by the time, when (past perfect tense + before / by the time / when + simple past tense)

    Selain subordinate conjunction, dapat juga digunakan preposition prior to dan before (sebelum) yang merupakan sinonim.

    Contoh Kalimat

    • When he came last night, the cake had run out.
      (Ketika dia datang semalam, kue sudah habis.)
    • The student had gotten a verbal warning before his parents were called.
      (Siswa tersebut telah mendapat peringatan verbal sebelum orangtuanya ditelepon.)
    • I had already eaten breakfast by the time he picked me up.
      (Saya telah sarapan ketika dia menjemput.)
    • Prior to the proclamation, Indonesia had been colonized by Japan for 3 years.
      (Sebelum proklamasi, Indonesia telah dijajah Jepang selama 3 tahun.)
  2. Tense ini untuk menunjukkan seberapa sering sesuatu terjadi di masa lampau. Time expression (keterangan waktu) yang sering digunakan yaitu frasa adverbial of frequency. Berikut beberapa contohnya.
    • twice / two times / three times + before + simple past tense / participle (phrase): twice before getting married (dua kali sebelum menikah), two times before they got married (dua kali sebelum mereka menikah), three times before I read his review (tiga kali sebelum saya membaca tinjauannya)
    • every day / every two days / every other day until 2012 (setiap hari / setiap dua hari sampai tahun 2012)
    • every summer until 2000 (setiap musim panas hingga tahun 2000)

    Contoh Kalimat

    • I had read the book three times before I read his review.
      (Saya telah membaca buku itu tiga kali sebelum saya membaca ulasannya.)
    • They had met twice before married.
      (Mereka bertemu dua kali sebelum menikah.)
    • Yulia had been to the gym every two days until 2012.
      (Yulia telah pergi ke gym setiap dua hari sampai tahun 2012.)
  3. Past perfect tense digunakan pada reported speech setelah verb
    • said
    • told
    • asked
    • thought
    • wondered

    Contoh Kalimat

    • He said that he had listened carefully the instruction.
      (Dia mengatakan bahwa dia telah mendengarkan instruksi dengan penuh perhatian.)
    • I thought he had changed to be better man.
      (Saya pikir dia telah berubah menjadi pria yang lebih baik.)
  4. Tense ini untuk mengekspresikan harapan atau impian yang tidak kesampaian melalui conditional sentence tipe 3.

    Rumus conditional sentence tipe 3:

    if + past perfect tense + would/should/could/might + have + past participle

    Contoh Kalimat

    • If you had remembered to invite me, I would have attended your party.
      (Jika kamu ingat mengundang saya, saya akan hadir di pestamu.)
    • Rina would have been the same level with me if she had studied harder.
      (Rina akan berasa pada level yang sama dengan saya jika dia belajar lebih keras.)

10 Contoh Soal Past Perfect Tense

rumus kalimat positif, negatif, dan interogatif past perfect tense
rumus kalimat positif, negatif, dan interogatif

Pilihlah jawaban yang paling tepat untuk melengkapi bagian yang kosong dengan mengetik a atau b.

  1. Never … such delicious pies before visiting the bakery.

    1. I had tasted
    2. had I tasted

    Your answer:

  2. How many times … the clothes before the fault occured?

    1. you had worn
    2. had you worn

    Your answer:

  3. If you … your money in a bank, it wouldn’t have gone.

    1. had been put
    2. had put

    Your answer:

  4. Prior to the meeting, the room …

    1. had been cleaned and prepared
    2. had cleaned and prepared

    Your answer:

  5. He told that he … all the files in the directory.

    1. had removed
    2. had been removed

    Your answer:

  1. The student … her disposable lunch box in the garbage can by the time the bell rang.

    1. had been dropped
    2. had dropped

    Your answer:

  2. When he arrived at the station, the train …

    1. had left
    2. had leaved

    Your answer:

  3. … before the participants came?

    1. Had the room been brighter
    2. Had the room brighter

    Your answer:

  4. Reza … about her before they met.

    1. had already heard
    2. had already been heard

    Your answer:

  5. Anyone … the latest version of the phone software for free before August 2013.

    1. had been able to update
    2. had be able to update

    Your answer:


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5 Contoh Soal Yes-No Question dengan Past Perfect Tense

Susunlah yes-no question yang tepat dari kata-kata di bawah ini.

  1. Dimas / see / a koala / before


  2. You / talk / to me / when I was a freshman.

    when I was a freshman?

  3. She / finish / her work / by lunchtime.

    by lunchtime?

  4. He / read / the full terms / before placing his order.

    before placing his order?

  5. The train/ leave / by the time they reached the station.

    by the time they reached the station?


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Lihat juga:


  1. After, Before, When. Accessed on February 22, 2013.
  2. Question Forms. Accessed on March 12, 2016.
  3. WH-Words Questions in English and American Sign Language. Accessed on February 10, 2013.
  4. Wh- Question Formation. Accessed on February 10, 2013.
  5. Types of Wh-Questions. Accessed on February 10, 2013.
  6. Past Perfect Worksheets. Accessed on November 17, 2013.
  7. Past Perfect Quiz. Accessed on March 21, 2016.
  8. Pivarnik-Nova, Denise. 2015. Kaplan AP English Language & Composition 2016. New York: Kaplan, Inc.
  9. Blue Azar Chapter 1 Quiz. Accessed on March 21, 2016.
  10. Sign up. Accessed on March 21, 2016.

113 thoughts on “Past Perfect Tense: Pengertian, Kalimat, dan Contoh Soal”

    • Maaf banget Ch0ra baru balas 🙁 Able itu adjective, jadi butuh to be sebelumnya. Pada perfect tense kita gunakan been.


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