Passive Voice Past Perfect Tense
Seperti active voice, main verb passive past perfect tense juga berupa past participle (verb-3) dan diawali auxiliary verb “had”. Bedanya, passive past perfect tense mendapatkan tambahan auxiliary verb “been”.
Had digunakan untuk subject pada passive voice (= object pada active voice) apapun, singular ataupun plural.
Lihat juga:
- Passive Voice: Present Perfect Tense
- Passive Voice: Future Perfect Tense
- Passive Voice
- Get-Passive
- Short Passive (Agentless Passive)
- Passive pada Tenses, Infinitive, dan Gerund
- Passive pada Intransitive Verb (Prepositional Passive)
Berikut rumus passive voice dalam past perfect tense:
Active Voice
S + had + past participle + direct object
Passive Voice
S (direct object) + had + been + past participle +/- by … (agent)
Agent pada passive voice merupakan subject pada active voice. Pada passive voice, subject bertindak sebagai penerima aksi, sedangkan agent sebagai pelaku aksi.
Rumus di atas berlaku untuk transitive verb, dimana memang kata kerja tersebut yang umum dipasifkan.
Contoh Kalimat Passive Voice – Past Perfect Tense
- They had used poison gas in World War I.
(Mereka telah menggunakan gas beracun dalam perang dunia pertama.)Poison gas had been used in World War I.
(Gas beracun telah digunakan dalam perang dunia pertama.) - Sally had read two hundred books before graduating from the college.
(Sally telah membaca dua ratus buku sebelum lulus dari kampus tersebut.)Two hundred books had been read by Sally before graduating from the college.
(Dua ratus buku telah dibaca oleh Sally sebelum lulus dari kampus tersebut.) - He had helped you so many times before you got the job.
(Dia telah membantumu berkali-kali sebelum kamu mendapatkan pekerjaan tersebut.)You had been helped so many times before you got the job..
(Kamu telah dibantu berkali-kali sebelum kamu mendapatkan pekerjaan tersebut.)
Contoh Soal Passive Voice Past Perfect Tense
Direct object pada active voice menjadi subject pada passive voice dimana pada past perfect tense kata kerja auxiliary verb had + verb-3 (past participle) diubah menjadi had + been + verb-3 (past participle).
Active Voice:
S + had + past participle + direct object
Passive Voice:
S (direct objectactive voice) + had + been + past participle +/- by … (subjectactive voice)
Pilihlah passive voice – past perfect tense yang tepat untuk melengkapi bagian yang kosong dengan mengikuti petunjuk di dalam kurung dengan mengetik a atau b.
Most of the work ... (finish) when the supervisor checked the quality of it.
- had been finish
- had been finished
Your answer:
A conclusion ... (draw) by the time I arrived.
- had been drawn
- had been drew
Your answer:
Two-thirds of the subjects ... (raise) in poverty.
- had been risen
- had been raised
Your answer:
She knew that the bridge ... (built) in 1990.
- had been built
- had been build
Your answer:
The bank staff said the payment ... (make) successfully.
- had been made
- had been make
Your answer:
... they ... (evacuate) before the invasion?
- had been, evacuated
- had , been evacuated
Your answer:
Would matematicians have discovered the fundamental theorem of calculus if computers ... (not invent) in the 16th century?
- had been not invented
- had not been invented
Your answer:
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Lihat juga:
- Past Perfect Tense
- Wh- Question Past Perfect Tense
- Soal Past Perfect Tense
- Soal Wh- Question Past Perfect
- Soal Tenses
- Active / Passive Verb Forms. Accessed on November 22, 2014.
- Passive. Accessed on March 8, 2016.
- Active and Passive Verbs. Accessed on March 8, 2016.
- Dales, Harold G. & Oliversi, Gianluigi. Truth in Mathematics. 1998. United States: Oxford University Press, Inc.