Pengertian Conditional Sentence
Conditional sentence adalah complex sentence (kalimat majemuk) yang dibentuk dari subordinate clause yang diawali dengan subordinate conjunction if berupa condition (syarat) dan main clause berupa result/consequence (hasil). Ada 4 tipe kalimat pengandaian Bahasa Inggris yang biasa digunakan, yaitu: tipe 1, tipe 2, tipe 3, dan tipe 0.
Lihat juga:
Rumus Umum
complex sentence | |
subordinate clause | main clause |
if + condition | result/consequence |
If-clause dapat menempati awal atau tengah kalimat. Ketika if-clause menempati awal kalimat, koma ditempatkan sebelum main clause.
Rumus, Penggunaan, dan Contoh Kalimat Conditional Sentence Berbagai Tipe
Conditional Type 0
Conditional sentence type 0 atau zero conditional digunakan ketika result/consequence (hasil) dari condition (syarat) selalu terwujud karena merupakan scientific fact (fakta ilmiah) atau general truth (kebenaran umum) yang merupakan habitual activity (kebiasaan).
Rumus dan Contoh
if + simple present, simple present - If we burn paper, it becomes ash.
(Jika kita membakar kertas, itu menjadi abu.) - I feel sick if I eat too much.
(Saya merasa sakit jika saya makan terlalu banyak.) habitual activity
- If we burn paper, it becomes ash.
Conditional Type 1
Conditional sentence type 1 atau first conditional digunakan ketika result/consequence (hasil) dari condition (syarat) memiliki kemungkinan untuk terwujud di masa depan karena condition-nya realistik untuk dipenuhi.
Rumus dan Contoh Kalimat
if + simple present, simple future “will” / imperative - If I meet him, I will introduce myself.
(Jika saya bertemu dia, saya akan memperkenalkan diri.) - I will cook dinner tonight if you clean the house.
(Saya akan memasak makan malam jika kamu membersihkan rumah.)
- If I meet him, I will introduce myself.
Conditional Type 2
Conditional sentence type 2 atau second conditional digunakan ketika result/consequence (hasil) dari condition (syarat) tidak memiliki atau hanya sedikit kemungkinan untuk terwujud karena condition-nya tidak mungkin dipenuhi di masa sekarang atau condition-nya sulit untuk dipenuhi di masa depan.
Rumus dan Contoh Kalimat
if + simple past / were, would/could/might + bare infinitive - If it rained tomorrow, I would sleep all day.
(Jika besok hujan, saya akan tidur sepanjang hari.) - If I were you, I’d tell him the truth.
(Jika saya jadi kamu, saya akan mengatakan yang sebenarnya padanya.)
- If it rained tomorrow, I would sleep all day.
Conditional Type 3
Conditional sentence type 3 atau third conditional digunakan ketika result/consequence (hasil) dari condition (syarat) tidak ada kemungkinan terwujud karena condition-nya harus sudah dipenuhi di masa lalu.
Rumus dan Contoh Kalimat
if + past perfect, would/should/could/might + have + past participle - If you had remembered to invite me, I would have attended your party.
(Jika kamu ingat mengundang saya, saya akan hadir di pestamu.) - We might have gone to South America if she had not been pregnant.
(Kamu mungkin telah pergi ke Amerika Selatan jika dia tidak hamil.)
- If you had remembered to invite me, I would have attended your party.
Negatif “if + condition”
If … not dapat digantikan dengan unless.
Contoh Kalimat Conditional Clause Menggunakan “if … not” dan “unless”
- If the students do not understand, they will raise their hand to ask.
(Jika para siswa tidak mengerti, mereka akan mengangkat tangan untuk bertanya.) - Unless the students understand, they will raise their hand to ask.
12 Contoh Soal Conditional Sentence
Conditional sentence merupakan complex sentence yang terdiri dari dependent clause berupa if clause yang memuat condition (syarat) dan independent clause yang memuat result (hasil). Conditional sentence type 1, condition-nya mungkin dapat dipenuhi; type 2 tidak atau hampir tidak mungkin dipenuhi; sedangkan type 3 tidak mungkin dipenuhi. Adapun conditional type 0 (zero conditional) condition-nya selalu terpenuhi.
Adapula inverted word order pada conditional sentence type 2 dan 3 dengan menghilangkan “if” dan menukar posisi subject dan verb (atau auxiliary verb).
- If I were something … menjadi Were I something …
- If you had done something … menjadi Had I done something …
Pilihlah salah satu jawaban untuk melengkapi kalimat di bawah ini dengan mengetik a atau b.
If you got a bunch of money, … it on stupid things?
- would you spend
- would you have spent
Your answer:
If the student had got enough sleep, she … difficulties in reading the material.
- wouldn’t have faced
- wouldn’t has faced
Your answer:
If I … you, I would look for my passion to find a new career.
- am
- were
Your answer:
When he ... to sleep, he never counts sheep leaping over fences.
- goes
- will go
Your answer:
If I advise her about travelling by plane with children, … to me?
- will she listen
- she will listen
Your answer:
It would be convenient if the button to lower volume on my PC … properly.
- could worked
- could work
Your answer:
… good quality cookware, we mightn’t have needed to get rid of burnt taste in this food.
- We had used
- Had we used
Your answer:
Your calls … if you had replied her text message fast.
- wouldn't have ignored
- wouldn't have been ignored
Your answer:
Unless it rains, I … clothes in the sun instead of using the dryer.
- would dry
- will dry
Your answer:
Your sister … to you if you don’t stop yelling at her.
- won't be nice
- wouldn't be nice
Your answer:
If adults ... a single espresso, it can slow the flow of blood to their heart.
- drink
- will drink
Your answer:
… I tall, I would consider joining the army.
- If were
- Were
Your answer:
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Lihat juga:
- Conditional Clause type 0
- Conditional Clause type 1
- Conditional Clause type 2
- Conditional Clause type 3
- Soal Zero Conditional
- Soal Conditional Clause type 1
- Soal Conditional Clause type 2
- Soal Conditional Clause type 3
- Conditional Sentences. Accessed on April 9, 2013.
- Zero Conditional. Accessed on April 9, 2013.
- Conditionals Quiz. Accessed on November 22, 2013.
- Real and Unreal Conditional Form Worksheets. Accessed on November 22, 2013.
- English Test on Conditional Sentences Type 1 and 2. Accessed on November 22, 2013.
- English Test on Conditional Sentences Type 1. Accessed on November 21, 2013.
- English Test on Conditional Sentences Type 1, 2 and 3. Accessed on November 22, 2013.
- Beware a single espresso: Just one caffeine-packed cup can slow the blood flow to your heart Accessed on December 4, 2014.
True 12 false 0
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True 11 false 1
True 11 False 2
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true 12 false 0
True 11 False 1
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