Pengertian Simple Present Tense
Simple present tense adalah suatu bentuk kata kerja untuk menyatakan fakta, kebiasaan, atau kejadian yang terjadi pada saat ini. Tense yang paling sering digunakan di dalam Bahasa Inggris ini juga digunakan pada conditional sentence type 1.
Lihat juga:

Penjelasan dan Rumus Kalimat Positif, Negatif, dan Interrogatif
Simple present tense dibentuk dari verb-1 (present tense) berupa kata kerja biasa yang menunjukkan aksi atau keadaan, atau berupa to be (is, am, are).
Verb-1 merupakan bare infinitive dengan tambahan -s atau -es (kecuali verb to be) khusus untuk subject berupa singular noun (seperti: Tita, book) atau third person singular pronoun (seperti: she, he, it); atau tanpa tambahan apapun untuk subject berupa plural noun (seperti: boys, men, books) atau plural pronoun (seperti: we, they), pronoun I/you, atau compound subject dengan kata hubung “and” (seperti: you and I, Tina and Ratih).
Ketika menggunakan be, is digunakan pada subject berupa singular noun dan third-person singular pronoun; are pada plural noun, plural pronoun dan you; sementara am pada I.

Perhatikan contohnya pada tabel di bawah ini.
subject | bare infinitive | verb-1 |
Tita/she/he | want | wants |
book | lie | lies |
I/you/we/they/men/you and I | work | work |
Tita/she/he/it | be | is |
I | be | am |
you/we/they/men/you and I | be | are |
Pada simple present tense dengan be, kalimat negatif dapat langsung dibuat dengan menambahkan “not” setelahnya; namun pada simple present tense dengan verb-1 perlu penambahan dummy auxiliary verb “do/does”, diikuti “not, dan verb-1 berubah menjadi bentuk dasar (-s/-es dihilangkan) juga.
Dengan be, kalimat interrogatif (yes-no question) dapat langsung dibentuk dengan menukar posisi subject dan be; namun ketika menggunakan verb-1 selain be perlu penambahan dummy auxiliary verb “do/does” dan verb-1 berubah menjadi bentuk dasar.
Kalimat Positive
- S + verb-1 +/- direct object
- S + be (am/is/are) + subject complement (noun/adjective/…)
Kalimat Negative
- S + do/does not + bare infinitive
- S + am/is/are not + subject complement (noun/adjective/…)
Yes-No Question
- Do/does + S + bare infinitive +/- direct object
- Be (am/is/are) + S + subject complement (noun/adjective/…)
Lihat juga:

Contoh Kalimat Negative – Simple Present Tense
- I like white chocolate.
(Saya suka coklat putih.)I don’t like white chocolate.
(Saya tidak suka coklat putih.) - It means a lot to me.
(Itu berarti banyak bagi saya.)It doesn’t mean a lot to me.
(Itu tidak berarti banyak bagi saya.) - Everyone cares about my birthday.
(Semua orang peduli dengan ulang tahun saya.)Everyone doesn’t care about my birthday.
(Semua orang tidak peduli dengan ulang tahun saya.) - You are qualified for this job.
(Kamu berkualifikasi untuk pekerjaan ini.)You aren’t qualified for this job.
(Kamu tidak berkualifikasi untuk pekerjaan ini.)
Contoh Kalimat Yes-No Question Simple Present Tense
- Her cat loves sunbathing.
(Kucingnya suka berjemur.)Does her cat love sunbathing?
(Apakah kucingnya suka berjemur?) - They work in the hospital.
(Mereka bekerja di rumah sakit tersebut.)Do they work in the hospital?
(Apakah mereka bekerja di rumah sakit tersebut?) - He is a certified veterinarian.
(Dia seorang dokter hewan berlisensi.)Is he a certified veterinarian?
(Apakah dia seorang dokter hewan berlisensi?) - Aya and Risma are good at cooking.
(Aya dan Risma pandai memasak.)Are Aya and Risma good at cooking?
(Apakah Aya dan Risma pandai memasak?)
Contoh Short Answer Response Simple Present Tense
- Am I on the right path? / Are we on the right path?
- Yes, you are.
- No, you aren’t.
- Is she/he/it on the right path?
- Yes, she/he/it is.
- No, she/he/it isn’t.
- Are you on the right path?
- Yes, I am.
- No, I’m not.
- Are they on the right path?
- Yes. they are
- No, they aren’t.
- Do I bother him? / Do we bother him?
- Yes, you do.
- No, you don’t.
- Does she/he/it bother him?
- Yes, she/he/it does.
- No, she/he/it doesn’t.
- Do you bother him?
- Yes, I do.
- No, I don’t.
- Do they bother him?
- Yes, they do.
- No, they don’t.

Fungsi dan Contoh Kalimat Simple Present Tense
- Simple present tense untuk menyatakan seberapa sering suatu kegiatan terjadi (frekuensi) atau habitual action (kebiasaan). Time expression(keterangan waktu) yang sering digunakan yaitu adverbial of frequency.
adverb of frequency
- always (selalu)
- often (sering)
- usually (biasanya)
- sometimes (kadang-kadang)
- seldom (jarang)
- never (tidak pernah)
- 3 days a week (3 hari per minggu)
- twice a month (dua kali sebulan)
- 8 hours a day (8 jam per hari)
- every day (setiap hari)
- every month (setiap bulan)
- three times a week (tiga kali seminggu)
Contoh Kalimat
- I always come on time.
(Saya selalu datang tepat waktu.) - He sometimes hears a ringing in his ears.
(Dia terkadang mendengarbunyi dering di telinganya.) - She never cries in front of us.
(Dia tidak pernah menangis di depan kita.) - Many people work 8 hours a day.
(Banyak orang bekerja 8 jam sehari.) - They go to the gym every day.
(Mereka pergi ke gym setiap hari.) - I do the exercise three times a week to gain my muscle mass.
(Saya melakukan latihan tersebut tiga kali seminggu untuk meningkatkan masa otot.) - She sends much money to her parents in the village every month.
(Dia mengirimkan banyak uang kepada orangtuanya di desa setiap bulan.)
- Factual (kebenaran umum/fakta yang tak terbantahkan)
Contoh Kalimat
- The sun rises from the east and sets in the west.
(Matahari terbit dari ufuk timur dan tenggelam di ufuk barat.) - Water boils at 100 degrees Celcius.
(Air mendidih pada suhu 100 derajat celcius.)
- The sun rises from the east and sets in the west.
- Bentuk kata kerja ini digunakan untuk membuat simple statement yang berlaku general (berlaku kapan saja) maupun tidak general (menggunakan be).
Contoh Kalimat
- I live in Jakarta.
(Saya tinggal di Jakarta) - She is so beautiful.
(Dia sangat cantik.) - He’s angry.
(Dia marah.) [tidak general: terjadi sekarang]
- I live in Jakarta.
- Simple present tense menggunakan stative verb untuk menyatakan perasaan (feeling), indera (sense), pikiran (mental state), atau kepemilikan (possession).
Contoh Kalimat
- She loves dancing.
(Dia suka menari.) - I see tears in your eyes.
(Saya melihat air mata di matamu.) - We agree with the speaker’s opinion.
(Kami setuju dengan pendapat pembicara tersebut.) - My brother owns a new house.
(Saudaraku memiliki rumah baru.)
- She loves dancing.
- Tense ini digunakan untuk membicarakan rencana atau jadwal di masa depan namun memiliki jangka waktu dekat dengan sekarang. Umumnya membicarakan tentang transportasi atau event. Verb yang biasa digunakan antara lain: arrive, come, dan leave.
Contoh Kalimat
- The ship leaves the harbour this night at 7 o’clock.
(Kapal meninggalkan pelabuhan malam ini jam 7.) - He arrives from Osaka at 1 pm.
(Dia tiba dari Osaka jam 1 siang.) - The ceremony starts at nine.
(Upacara dimulai jam sembilan.)
- The ship leaves the harbour this night at 7 o’clock.
- Bentuk kata kerja ini digunakan untuk memberikan instruksi atau serial aksi.
Contoh Kalimat
- You add a glass of coconut milk into a pan and then boil it.
(Kamu tambah segelas santan ke dalam panci lalu rebus.) - You go straight ahead then turn left.
(Kamu jalan lurus ke depan lalu belok kiri.)
- You add a glass of coconut milk into a pan and then boil it.
- Tense ini digunakan pada conditional sentence tipe 1.
Contoh Kalimat
- If you meet the bad boy, your parents will be angry.
(Jika kamu bertemu dengan anak nakal itu, orangtuamu akan marah.) - I will go swimming if I have free time.
(Saya akan pergi berenang jika ada waktu.)
- If you meet the bad boy, your parents will be angry.
Simple Present vs. Present Continuous Tense
Aktivitas atau kejadian pada simple present terjadi pada saat ini (present) namun tidak benar-benar sedang berlangsung seperti present continuous tense.
Contoh Kalimat
- He sleeps without a pillow.
(Dia tidur tanpa bantal. ≈ habit) simple present tense - He is sleeping without a pillow.
(Dia sedang tidur tanpa bantal) present continuous tense
10 Contoh Soal Simple Present Tense Pilihan Ganda
Simple present tense merupakan bentuk kata kerja untuk menyatakan fakta, kebiasaan, atau peristiwa yang terjadi pada saat ini. Tense ini dibentuk dari verb-1 berupa kata kerja biasa yang menunjukkan aksi atau keadaan, atau berupa to be (is, am, are).
Verb-1 merupakan bare infinitive dengan tambahan -s atau -es (kecuali verb to be) untuk singular subject atau tanpa tambahan apapun untuk I, you, dan plural subject. Ketika menggunakan be, is digunakan pada singular subject kecuali I dan you; are pada you dan plural subject; sementara am pada I.

Pilihlah jawaban yang paling tepat untuk melengkapi bagian yang kosong dengan mengetik a atau b.
Does your child ... to eat all the time?
- want
- wants
Your answer:
I do ... the funeral.
- attends
- attend
Your answer:
The black and white cat ... a long tail.
- have
- has
Your answer:
Suzy and I ... tall and skinny.
- is
- are
Your answer:
It ... most of the time.
- happen
- happens
Your answer:
He often ... to my gym.
- comes
- come
Your answer:
You can ... fresh vegetables at the farmer's market.
- get
- gets
Your answer:
If we burn paper, ... it become ash?
- does
- do
Your answer:
The ships ... tonight at 9 p.m.
- arrives
- arrive
Your answer:
I ... running in the morning.
- am
- love
Your answer:
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6 Contoh Soal Negative – Simple Present Tense
Kalimat negatif pada simple present tense dengan am/is/are dapat dibuat dengan menambahkan “not” setelahnya, sementara dengan verb-1 perlu penambahan do/does, diikuti “not”, dan verb-1 berubah menjadi base form.
Pilihlah kalimat negative yang tepat dari kalimat pernyataan simple present tense di bawah ini dengan mengetik a, b, atau c.
Raisa teaches a variety of stitches.
- Raisa don't teach a variety of stitches.
- Raisa isn't teach a variety of stitches.
- Raisa doesn't teach a variety of stitches.
Your answer:
I plan to visit Istanbul soon.
- I doesn't plan to visit Istanbul soon.
- I don't plan to visit Istanbul soon.
- I'm not plan to visit Istanbul soon.
Your answer:
He has two brothers and three sisters.
- He don't have three brothers and two sisters.
- He doesn't have three brothers and two sisters.
- He hasn't have three brothers and two sisters.
Your answer:
They are always late for school.
- They aren't always late for school.
- They doesn't always late for school.
- They don't always late for school.
Your answer:
Only a few of the kids wear school uniforms.
- Only a few of the kids aren't wear school uniforms.
- Only a few of the kids doesn't wear school uniforms.
- Only a few of the kids don't wear school uniforms.
Your answer:
It is time for her to leave the hospital.
- It don't time for her to leave the hospital.
- It isn't time for her to leave the hospital.
- It doesn't time for her to leave the hospital.
Your answer:
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8 Contoh Soal Yes-No Question Simple Present Tense Pilihan Ganda
Pada simple present menggunakan am/is/are, yes-no question dapat langsung dibuat dengan menukar posisi subject dan am/is/are; namun pada simple present menggunakan verb-1 selain be perlu penambahan “do/does” dan verb-1 berubah menjadi bentuk dasar tanpa -s/-es.
Pilihlah yes-no question yang tepat dari kalimat pernyataan simple present tense di bawah ini dengan mengetik a, b, atau c.
The Brazilian family lives in a terraced house.
- Do the Brazilian family live in a terraced house?
- Does the Brazilian family live in a terraced house?
- Is the Brazilian family live in a terraced house?
Your answer:
They are always in a hurry.
- Are they always in a hurry?
- Do they always in a hurry?
- Does they always in a hurry?
Your answer:
Farmers need clean water for their crops.
- Are farmers need clean water for their crops?
- Does farmers need clean water for their crops?
- Do farmers need clean water for their crops?
Your answer:
She is so beautiful.
- Does she so beautiful?
- Do she so beautiful?
- Is she so beautiful?
Your answer:
You have a great personality.
- Are you have a great personality?
- Do you have a great personality?
- Does you have a great personality?
Your answer:
I'm qualified for the job.
- Do I qualified for the job?
- Am I qualified for the job?
- Does I qualified for the job?
Your answer:
He plays basketball.
- Does he play basketball?
- Do he play basketball?
- Is he play basketball?
Your answer:
Most of the rooms are in good condition.
- Does most of the rooms in good condition?
- Do most of the rooms in good condition?
- Are most of the rooms in good condition?
Your answer:
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Lihat juga:
- The Present Continuous and the Simple Present. Accessed on February 19, 2012.
- Simple Present Tense. Accessed on February 19, 2012.
- Qualified. Accessed on May 16, 2016.
- Do-support. Accessed on March 12, 2016.
- Present Simple Tense Quiz. Accessed on August 20, 2013.
- Late. Accessed on May 16, 2016.
- Clean Water Quotes. Accessed on Maret 12, 2016.
- In a Hurry. Accessed on Maret 12, 2016.
I try this quis. Thanks