Conditional Sentence Type 1: Penjelasan dan Contoh Soal


Conditional sentence type 1 atau first conditional adalah conditional sentence yang digunakan ketika result/consequence (hasil) dari condition (syarat) memiliki kemungkinan untuk terwujud di masa depan karena condition-nya realistik untuk dipenuhi. Condition berada di dalam subordinate clause dengan subordinate conjunction “if”, sedangkan result/consequence berada di dalam main clause.

contoh kalimat conditional sentence type 1 dan artinya: If you have any questions or concerns, their representatives will be more than happy to help you. (Jika kamu memiliki pertanyaan atau masalah, perwakilan mereka akan dengan senang hati membantumu.)
contoh kalimat conditional sentence type 1 dan artinya

Pada contoh kalimat pada gambar di atas, “their representatives will be more than happy to help you” merupakan main clause dengan “if you have any questions or concerns” sebagai subordinate clause.

Lihat juga:

Rumus Conditional Sentence Type 1

Bagian conditional clause (if + condition) menggunakan simple present tense, sedangkan bagian main clause (result) menggunakan simple future tense “will” atau imperative (bare infinitive atau infinitive tanpa to).

complex sentence
subordinate clause (if + condition) main clause (result/consequence)
if + simple present
  • simple future (will + bare infinitive)
  • imperative (bare infinitive)
rumus dan penjelasan conditional sentence type 1: if + simple present, simple future (will) / imperative *Syarat yang dinyatakan dalam simple present pada conditional sentence type 1 memiliki kemungkinan untuk dapat dipenuhi.
rumus dan penjelasan conditional sentence type 1

If-clause dapat menempati awal atau tengah kalimat. Ketika if-clause menempati awal kalimat, koma ditempatkan sebelum main clause. If … not dapat digantikan dengan unless.

Contoh Kalimat Conditional Sentence Type 1

  1. If I have free time, I will go swimming.
    (Jika saya punya waktu luang, saya akan pergi berenang.)
  2. If the bell rings, I’ll go home in no time.
    (Jika bel berbunyi, saya akan pulang ke rumah segera.)
  3. If you meet Andy, ask him to call me. imperative
    (Jika kamu bertemu Andy, minta dia menghubungi saya.)
  4. If you don’t finish your homework, your teacher will be angry.
    (Jika kamu tidak menyelesaikan pekerjaan rumahmu, gurumu akan marah.)
  5. If he doesn’t come, I won’t be angry. / Unless he comes, I won’t be angry.
    (Jika kamu tidak datang, saya tidak akan marah.)
  6. If he comes, I won’t be angry.
    (Jika dia datang, saya tidak akan marah.)
  7. If they invite you, will you come?
    (Jika mereka mengundangmu, apakah kamu akan datang?)

10 Contoh Soal Conditional Sentence Type 1

rumus conditional sentence type 1: *if + simple present, simple future (will + bare infinitive) *if + simple present, imperative (bare infinitive)
rumus conditional clause type 1

Pilihlah jawaban yang menurutmu paling tepat untuk melengkapi bagian yang kosong dengan mengetik a atau b.

  1. If a customer … chocolate ice cream from the restaurant, he or she will get extra toppings.

    1. orders
    2. order

    Your answer:

  2. The hotel front desk clerk … you special price room rates if you don’t ask.

    1. wouldn't offer
    2. won't offer

    Your answer:

  3. If you call Tessa, I … others.

    1. will call
    2. would call

    Your answer:

  4. If I tell the truth, … hurt?

    1. will he gets
    2. will he get

    Your answer:

  5. Unless it snows, the pavements … slippery.

    1. will not
    2. will not be

    Your answer:

  1. If he … the book, I will borrow it in my university library.

    1. hasn't
    2. doesn't have

    Your answer:

  2. The manager … your current income if you can stay focused when working from home.

    1. will double
    2. doubles

    Your answer:

  3. You will make your parents sad if you … responsible for your life.

    1. don't
    2. aren't

    Your answer:

  4. If you come to her house, she … something delicious for you.

    1. will be cooked
    2. will cook

    Your answer:

  5. If it rains heavily, … under water?

    1. will your home end up
    2. will your home be ended up

    Your answer:


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Lihat juga:


  1. Conditional Sentences. Accessed on April 10, 2013.
  2. Conditionals Quiz. Accessed on November 21, 2013.
  3. Real and Unreal Conditional Form Worksheets. Accessed on November 21, 2013.
  4. English Test on Conditional Sentences Type 1. Accessed on November 21, 2013.

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