Subordinate Conjunction: Pengertian dan Contoh Kalimat

Soal Conjunction

Pengertian Subordinate Conjunction

Subordinate conjunction adalah conjunction (kata hubung) yang berada di awal suatu subordinate clause yang disebut adverbial clause yang berfungsi membangun hubungan ide antara subordinate clause tersebut dengan main clause (berupa independent clause). Main clause dan adverbial clause membentuk complex sentence.

Table of Contents:

contoh kalimat subordinate conjunction dan artinya: All my problems at work weren't important any more when I saw the blue sky and fluffy white clouds. (Semua masalah saya di tempat kerja menjadi tidak penting lagi ketika saya melihat langit biru dan awan-awan putih halus itu.)
contoh kalimat subordinate conjunction dan artinya

Rumus Subordinate Clause (Adverbial Clause)

subordinate conjunction + S + V +/ …

Rumus Main Clause (Independent Clause):

S + V +/- …

Rumus Complex Sentence

main clause + subordinate clause

Dapat dikatakan bahwa subordinate conjunction menghubungkan dua independent clause, namun dalam proses tersebut salah satu clause menjadi “dependent” karena makna kalimatnya menjadi menggantung jika tidak ada independent clause lain, yaitu main clause.

rumus kalimat dengan subordinate conjunction: main clause + subordinate clause = S + V +/- ... + subordinate conjunction + S + V +/ ...
rumus kalimat dengan subordinate conjunction

Macam dan Contoh Subordinate Conjunction

Hubungan ide yang dapat dibangun oleh subordinate conjunction antara lain:

  • time (waktu)
  • place (tempat)
  • contrast (pertentangan)
  • cause and effect (sebab dan akibat)
  • condition (syarat)
  • purpose (tujuan)
  • manner (cara)

Berikut beberapa contoh subordinate conjunction.

Time (Waktu)

  • after (setelah)
  • as (ketika, sementara)
  • as soon as (segera setelah)
  • before (sebelum)
  • once (segera setelah)
  • since (sejak)
  • until/till (sampai)
  • when (ketika)
  • whenever (kapan saja, sewaktu-waktu)
  • while (ketika, sementara)

Place (Tempat)

  • where (di mana)
  • wherever (di manapun)

Contrast (Pertentangan)

  • although, even though, though (meskipun)
  • whereas (sebaliknya, sedangkan)
  • while (meskipun)
  • even if (kalaupun)

Cause / Reason / Result (Sebab / Alasan / Akibat)


  • as (karena)
  • because (karena)
  • since (karena)


  • so (sehingga)

Purpose (Tujuan)

  • in order that (agar)
  • so that (agar)

Condition (Syarat)

  • as long as (jika, dengan syarat)
  • if (jika, dengan syarat)
  • only if (hanya jika)
  • otherwise (jika tidak)
  • or else (jika tidak)
  • provided /providing (that) (jika, dengan syarata)
  • supposing (asumsikan, anggap)
  • unless (jika tidak)

Manner (Cara)

  • as if (seperti)
  • as though (seperti)
  • how (bagaimana)
  • the way (cara)

Lihat juga:

Contoh Kalimat Subordinate Conjunction

Time (Waktu)

  1. I’m going to give her this present after our surprise party on tuesday.
    (Saya akan memberinya kado ini setelah pesta kejutan kita pada hari selasa.)
  2. As soon as/once they finish filling the questionnaire, I will process the data.
    (Segera setelah mereka selesai mengisi kuesioner, saya akan memproses data tersebut.)
  3. He was cleaning his kitchen floor when he found an oil spill.
    (Dia sedang membersihkan lantai dapurnya ketika dia menemukan tumpahan minyak.)
  4. Before she went to Jakarta, she got her flowers watered.
    (Sebelum dia pergi ke Jakarta, dia meminta bunga-bunganya disirami.)
  5. She has been very quiet since she arrived on Sunday.
    (Dia menjadi sangat pendiam sejak dia tiba hari Minggu.)
  6. Let’s stay here until the sun comes up.
    (Mari tetap disini sampai matahari muncul.)
  7. You can come to my house whenever you want.
    (Kamu bisa datang ke rumahku kapanpun kamu mau.)
  8. His phone kept ringing while he was sleeping.
    (Teleponnya terus-menerus berdering ketika dia sedang tidur.)

Place (Tempat)

  1. We should be polite and humble wherever we live.
    (Kita sebaiknya sopan dan rendah hati dimanapun kita tinggal.)

Contrast (Pertentangan)

  1. The guide seemed nice though she spoke very little English.(Pemandu itu kelihatannya baik, meskipun kemampuan Bahasa Inggrisnya terbatas.)
  2. Even if Bima is not qualified enough to enter the top university, he’ll try again next year.
    (Kalaupun Bima tidak cukup berkualifikasi untuk masuk universitas top tersebut, dia akan mencoba lagi tahun depan.)

Cause/Reason/Result (Sebab/Alasan/Akibat)

  1. You no longer have access to the email address since you’ve deleted your account,
    (Kamu tidak lagi memiliki akses ke alamat email tersebut karena kamu telah menghapus akunmu.)
  2. Many animals died because the dry season was hotter and drier than usual.
    (Banyak binatang mati karena musim kering lebih panas dan kering dari biasanya.)

Purpose (Tujuan)

  1. Please open the window so that the smell will go away quickly.
    (Tolong buka jendela supaya bau itu akan pergi dengan cepat.)
  2. He will get up earlier in order that he can arrived on time.
    (Dia akan bangun lebih cepat agar dia dapat tiba tepat waktu.)

Condition (Syarat)

  1. She’ll come to my party only if you accompany her.
    (Dia akan datang ke pesta saya hanya jika kamu menemaninya.)
  2. As long as you follow the traffic regulation, you won’t get a ticket.
    (Selama kamu mengikuti peraturan lalu lintas, kamu tidak akan ditilang.)
  3. We can stroll in the park this weekend, providing the weather is nice.
    (Kita dapat berjalan-jalan di taman akhir pekan ini, selama cuacanya bagus.)
  4. Supposing you’re accepted, what would you do?
    (Anggap kamu diterima, apa yang akan kamu lakukan?)
  5. Unless TV viewers gave her donations, she would not be able to buy gold, rice field, and house.
    (Jika pemirsa TV tidak memberikan dia sumbangan, dia tidak akan dapat membeli emas, sawah, dan rumah.)
  6. If you’re not careful, you’ll end up wasting time.
    (Jika kamu tidak berhati-hati, kamu akan akhirnya menghabiskan waktu.)
    Don’t forget to bring your boots, otherwise your feet will be wet and cold.
    (Jangan lupa untuk membawa sepatu bot-mu, jika tidak kakimu akan basah dan dingin.)
  7. Don’t forget to bring your boots, otherwise your feet will be wet and cold.
    (Jangan lupa untuk membawa sepatu bot-mu, jika tidak kakimu akan basah dan dingin.)

Manner (Cara)

  1. The man drove as if he was an F-1 racer.
    (Pria itu mengemudi seakan-akan dia pembalap F-1.)

Subordinate Conjunction dan Preposition

Beberapa kata selain berfungsi sebagai subordinate conjunction, juga dapat digunakan sebagai preposition, yaitu: after, before, since, dan until. Ada pula beberapa subordinate conjunction yang memiliki padanan makna dengan preposition, yakni: although, because, while, dan as if.

contoh kalimat after sebagai subordinate conjunction dan preposition: She went for a walk after she finished her workShe went for a walk after finishing her work. (Dia pergi berjalan-jalan setelah menyelesaikan pekerjaannya.)
contoh kalimat after sebagai subordinate conjunction dan preposition

Contoh Kalimat Subordinate Conjunction dan Preposition

  1. conjunction

    After I changed the lightbulb in the hallway, the room became much brighter.
    (Setelah saya mengganti bola lampu di lorong, ruangan menjadi lebih terang.)


    After changing the lightbulb in the hallway, the room became much brighter.
    (Setelah penggantian bola lampu di lorong, ruangan menjadi lebih terang.)

  2. conjunction

    Before she went to Jakarta, she meticulously researched the cultural landmarks she wanted to explore.
    (Sebelum dia pergi ke Jakarta, dia menitipkan bunga-bunganya untuk disirami.)


    Before her journey to Jakarta, she meticulously researched the cultural landmarks she wanted to explore.
    (Sebelum perjalanannya ke Jakarta, dia menitipkan bunga-bunganya untuk disirami.)

  3. conjunction

    The company has got so much profit since it was built in 2007.
    (Perusahaan itu telah mendapatkan begitu banyak keuntungan sejak didirikan pada tahun 2007.)


    The company has got so much profit since 2007.
    (Perusahaan itu telah mendapatkan begitu banyak keuntungan sejak tahun 2007.)

  4. conjunction

    The baby usually sleeps soundly until the rooster crows in the morning.
    (Bayi itu biasanya tidur nyenyak sampai ayam jago berkokok di pagi hari.)


    The baby usually sleeps soundly until morning.
    (Bayi itu biasanya tidur nyenyak sampai pagi.)

Makna Conjunction ≈ Preposition

Berikut contoh kalimat subordinate conjunction dan preposition yang maknanya serupa.

  1. conjunction

    Although many friends confronted her ambition, she went forward like a tank.
    (Meskipun banyak teman menentang ambisinya, dia maju terus seperti tank.)


    In spite of many confrontation from her friends, she went forward like a tank.
    (Meskipun banyak tentangan dari teman-temannya, dia maju terus seperti tank.)

  2. conjunction

    Because she had free time during holiday, she rearranged her house.
    (Karena dia punya waktu luang selama liburan, dia menata ulang rumahnya.)


    Because of her free time during holiday, she rearranged her house.
    (Karena waktu luangnya selama liburan, dia menata ulang rumahnya.)

  3. conjunction

    While I was preparing the exam in my room, I didn’t let anyone to come in.
    (Ketika saya sedang mempersiapkan ujian di kamar, saya tidak membiarkan siapapun masuk.)


    During my exam preparation, I didn’t let anyone to come in.
    (Selama persiapkan ujian saya, saya tidak membiarkan siapapun masuk.)

  4. conjunction

    The man drove as if/though he was an F-1 racer.
    (Pria itu mengemudi seakan-akan dia pembalap F-1.)


    The man drove like an F-1 racer.
    (Pria itu mengemudi seperti pembalap F-1.)

Lihat juga:


  1. Conjunctions. Accessed on October 25, 2018.
  2. Meaning of “since” in the English Dictionary. Accessed on October 25, 2018.
  3. Until. Accessed on October 25, 2018.
  4. Providing. Accessed on October 25, 2018.

6 thoughts on “Subordinate Conjunction: Pengertian dan Contoh Kalimat”

  1. Firstly I want to ask, is it same subordinate clause and dependent clause? because I heard an explanation about subordinate conjunction from another source, that said subordinate conjunction usually used after an independent clause first, then following by a subordinate conjunction to link a dependent clause in a complex sentence, but when I saw the examples above many of them were placed in the beginning of the sentences. Can I infer that all the sentences from the examples above that preceded by a subordinate conjunction, they were the subordinate clauses (dependent clause) as same as the explanation that has given above?

    secondly, correct my comment ha..ha….

    Third, You are the best.

    • Hello 😀

      Subordinate clause is another term for dependent clause, Alam.

      Another term for dependent clause is subordinate clause: this means that the clause is subordinate to another element (the independent clause) and depends on that other element for its meaning.

      In a complex sentence containing adverbial clause, subordinate conjunction is always in front of a independent clause. That’s make the clause become “dependent” (It can’t stand alone anymore).

      dependent clause = subordinate conjuction + independent clause
      complex sentence = dependent clause + independent clause

      Thanks for your kind words..I wish you all the best 🙂

  2. it’s very helpfull while i learn about this grammar which i thought it so hard to learn but your kind of explanation in this web so clearly
    thank you so much Ms. Wilma Yulia
    Ijin re-post yaa…

    • My pleasure. Thanks for coming and leaving a feedback. Oh ya silahkan di re-post Novy 🙂 Semoga kemampuan bahasa Inggris kita terus bertambah ya 😀


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