Come Out (Phrasal Verb): Arti dan Contoh Kalimat Bahasa Inggris

Come out merupakan phrasal verb yang umum digunakan di dalam Bahasa Inggris. Frasa Bahasa Inggris ini memiliki banyak arti. Berikut beberapa diantaranya beserta contoh kalimatnya.

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Come Out

  1. [Become available] to become available to the public to buy or see (tersedia bagi publik untuk dibeli atau dilihat).

    When is his latest book coming out?
    (Kapan buku terbarunya terbit?)

  2. [Appear] to appear in the sky (the sun, moon, or stars) (muncul di langit (matahari, bulan, atau bintang)).

    The rain stopped and the sun finally came out.
    (Hujan berhenti dan matahari akhirnya muncul.)

  3. [Become known] to become known to people after it has been kept secret (menjadi diketahui oleh orang-orang setelah itu disimpan sebagai rahasia).

    It came out that she was already married.
    (Terungkap bahwa dia sudah menikah.)

  4. [Be removed] to be removed from something by washing or rubbing (dirt, mark) (dihilangkan dari sesuatu melalui pencucian atau penyikatan) (kotoran, bekas).

    I’ve tried everything and the stain isn’t coming out.
    (Saya sudah mencoba segalanya dan nodanya tidak hilang.)

  5. [Open] When flowers come out, they open (mekar).

    The snowdrops came out a couple days ago.
    (Bunga-bunga snowdrop itu mekar dua hari lalu.)

  6. [Give opinion] to declare that you support or do not support something (menyatakan bahwa kamu mendukung atau tidak mendukung sesuatu).

    The politician recently came out against supports for wind power.
    (Politisi tersebut baru-baru ini menentang dukungan-dukungan terhadap tenaga angin.)

  7. [Be noticed] to be easy to notice (terlihat jelas).

    His hidden depths and talents only comes out in a crisis.
    (Karakter dan bakatnya yang tersembunyi hanya muncul saat krisis.)

  1. [Make a picture] if a photograph comes out, the picture can be seen clearly (hasil foto terlihat jelas).

    She took some photographs, but none of them came out.
    (Dia mengambil beberapa foto, tapi tidak satupun yang hasilnya jelas.)

  2. [Have a particular result] to be in a particular condition or to achieve something at the end of a process or activity (berada pada kondisi tertentu atau mencapai sesuatu pada akhir proses atau aktivitas).

    He came out of the divorce with sole ownership of the house.
    (Proses perceraian berakhir dengan kepemilikan tunggal dari rumah tersebut baginya.)

  3. [Be heard/understood] to be heard or understood in a particular way (didengar atau dipahami dengan cara tertentu).

    When I tried to explain the problem to him, it came out all wrong.
    (Ketika saya mencoba menjelaskan masalah tersebut kepadanya, hal tersebut dipahami berbeda.)

  4. To stop being fixed somewhere (tanggal).

    My child’s baby teeth came out early.
    (Gigi susu anak saya tanggal lebih awal.)

Come Out With

To say something suddenly and unexpectedly (mengatakan sesuatu secara tiba-tiba dan tak terduga).

He comes out with some good ideas.
(Dia tiba-tiba mengatakan ide-ide bagus.)


  1. come out with sth. Accessed on December 21, 2020.
  2. Meaning of come out in English. Accessed on December 21, 2020.
  3. come out. Accessed on December 21, 2020.
  4. come out. Accessed on December 21, 2020.
  5. Definition of come out phrasal verb from the Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary. Accessed on December 21, 2020.
  6. Definition of ’come out’. Accessed on December 21, 2020.

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