Some / Any: Penggunaan, Contoh Kalimat, dan Soal

Pengertian Some and Any

Some and Any dapat digunakan sebagai determiner dan pronoun ketika speaker tidak bisa menyebutkan jumlah pasti dari suatu noun (kata benda) yang diterangkan atau dimaksudkannya.

Noun tersebut dapat countable atau uncountable.

Keduanya digunakan bersama singular atau plural verb tergantung noun yang mengikuti atau digantikannya.

  • I read some books yesterday.
    (Saya membaca beberapa buku kemarin.) determiner
  • Is there any room available?
    (Apakah di sana ada ruangan yang tersedia?) determiner
  • I read some yesterday.
    (Saya membaca beberapa kemarin.) pronoun
  • Is there any available?
    (Apakah di sana ada yang tersedia?) pronoun

Aturan Penggunaan Some and Any

Walau memiliki banyak persamaan, some and any memiliki pula beberapa aturan penggunaan masing-masing. Kita dapat menggunakan some untuk membicarakan a limited number or amount (jumlah terbatas), sedangkan any untuk an unlimited number or amount (jumlah tak terbatas).

Contoh Kalimat Some/Any:

  • She eats any kind of pasta. (= all kinds of pasta)
  • She doesn’t eat any kind of pasta. (= 0 kinds of pasta)
  • She eats some kind of pasta.  (= a limited number of kinds of pasta)
  • She doesn’t eat some kind of pasta. (= a limited number of kinds of pasta)

Some seringnya digunakan pada positive sentence (kalimat positif)[1], sedangkan any pada negative sentence (kalimat negatif)[2] dan question (pertanyaan)[3]. Namun any dapat pula digunakan pada positive sentence ketika “the real sense”-nya negatif[4], sedangkan some dapat digunakan pada question pada offering (menawarkan)[5] atau requesting something (meminta sesuatu)[6].

Some digunakan ketika kita mengharapkan jawaban “yes” karena kita tau sesuatu itu ada (penggunaan some disini tidak seperti “real question” karena sudah tau jawabannya). Berbeda dengan pertanyaan dengan any yang kita benar-benar tidak tahu jawabannya.

Contoh Kalimat Some/Any:

  1. He has some examples of polymers. (some, positive sentence)
  2. I don’t have any good idea. (any, negative sentence)
  3. Do you have any good idea? (I don’t know if you have any good idea)
  4. She stopped giving any gifts on my birthday. (She didn’t give any gifts on my birthday)
  5. Would you like some more coffee? (offering something)
  6. Would you mind giving me some more coffee? (requesting something)

Some- seperti somebody, someone, somewhere, dan something biasanya digunakan sebagai singular noun pada positive sentence, sedangkan any- seperti anybody, anyone, anywhere, dan anything biasanya digunakan pada negative sentence dan question.

Contoh Kalimat Some/Any dan Artinya

  1. Somebody used his credit card to buy stuff online.
    (Seseorang menggunakan kartu kreditnya untuk membeli barang secara online.)
  2. Has anyone heard about the treatment?
    (Adakah yang sudah mendengar tentang pengobatan itu?

10 Contoh Soal Some vs. Any (Termasuk Some-/Any-)

Ketik a atau b untuk melengkapi kalimat di bawah ini.

  1. ... have been processed.

    1. any
    2. some

    Your answer:

  2. The student didn't make ... mistakes on the final exam.

    1. any
    2. some

    Your answer:

  3. Every person must have a fishing license to take ... kind of fish without exception in the country.

    1. any
    2. some

    Your answer:

  4. A: Your son only eats ... kinds of vegetables, does he?
    B: Yes, he does. He only eats cabbage, spinach, and broccoli.

    1. any
    2. some

    Your answer:

  5. The hotel refused to accept any credit cards. True or false?

    1. true
    2. false

    Your answer:

  6. Are ... open on Sunday?

    1. any
    2. some

    Your answer:

  7. Have you found ... ways to lower cholesterol naturally?

    1. any
    2. some

    Your answer:

  8. Risma said that she didn't want ... for her birthday.

    1. anything
    2. something

    Your answer:

  9. ... stopped in front of your house and took a picture this morning.

    1. anyone
    2. someone

    Your answer:

  10. Does ... have a question?

    1. anyone
    2. someone

    Your answer:


Javascript diperlukan untuk menjalankan quiz ini.

Lihat juga:


  1. When to Use Any or Some. Accessed on July 31, 2014.
  2. Some/Any. Accessed on July 31, 2014.
  3. Some, Any. Accessed on July 31, 2014.
  4. Some, Any, Every and No. Accessed on July 31, 2014.

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