Determiner (Pre, Central, Post): Pengertian dan Urutannya

Pengertian Determiner

Determiner adalah kata atau kelompok kata yang ditempatkan di depan noun untuk membatasi makna noun tersebut. Di traditional grammar, determiner sering disebut limiting adjective, walaupun berbeda maknanya dengan adjective biasa. Jika sama-sama berada di dalam noun phrase, limiting adjective akan berada di depan adjective biasa.

Determiner terdiri dari:

General dan Specific Determiner

Berada di depan suatu noun, determiner menentukkan apakah noun phrase yang dibentuknya bersifat general atau specific. General noun phrase dapat dibentuk dari general determiner, sedangkan specific noun phrase dari specific determiner.

General Determiner

  • indefinite article (a atau an): membicarakan suatu hal secara umum dimana pendengar/pembaca tidak tau pasti yang mana yang dimaksudkan

    He is looking for a job in Bali.
    (Dia sedang mencari pekerjaan di Bali.)

  • quantifier (many, few, little, some, any): menyatakan jumlah

    Please give me a little water.
    (Tolong beri saya sedikit air.)

  • distributive (all, every, both)

    All your books are on the table.
    (Semua bukumu di atas meja.)

  • difference word (other, another): membicarakan tambahan orang, benda,
    atau hal

    May I have another shoes?
    (Bolehkah saya mendapatkan sepatu yang lain?)

General determiner mungkin dipadukan dengan singular/plural countable noun atau uncountable noun dengan rumus sebagai berikut.

general determiner + singular countable noun

  • a, an (indefinite articles)

    a book, an apple

  • another (difference word)

    another man

  • any, no (quantifier)

    any report, no journey

  • each, every, neither (distributive)

    each pair, every student, neither spoon (nor fork)

general determiner + plural countable noun

  • all, both (distributive)

    all books, several minutes

  • some, any, no, many, few, several (quantifier)

    some people, any new books, no jobs, many clothes, few activities

  • other (difference word)

    other tasks

  • enough, more, most

    enough dollars, more tips, most batteries

determiner + uncountable noun

  • all (distributive)

    all furniture

  • some, any, no, little, less, much (quantifier)

    some paper, any time, no money, little information, less sugar, much coffee

  • more, most, enough

    more advice, most cheese, enough money

Specific Determiner

  • definite article (the): membicarakan noun yang diyakini pembaca/pendengar paham yang dimaksudkan

    Did he enjoy the show?
    (Apa dia menikmati pertunjukkan tersebut?)

  • demonstrative adjective (this, that, these, those): menerangkan noun dalam hal jarak dan/atau jumlah

    Those apples are so red.
    (Apel-apel itu sangat merah.)

  • possessive adjective (my, your, his, her, its, our, dan their): menunjukkan kepemilikan

    Your jacket is in the laundry basket.
    (Jaketmu di dalam keranjang cucian.)

The Ordering of Determiners

Noun bisa di ikuti lebih dari satu determiner atau tidak sama sekali. Berdasarkan posisinya terhadap noun, kata ini dibedakan menjadi tiga class, yakni: predeterminer, central determiner, dan post determiner.

Class tersebut mengikuti urutan tertentu yang disebut the ordering of determiners.

+/- predeterminer +/- central determiner +/- post determiner + noun

Predeterminer antara lain: multiplier, fraction, distributive, dan exclamative; central determiner antara lain: article, possessive, dan demonstrative; dan post determiner antara lain: number dan quantifier.


Predeterminer ditempatkan mendahului determiner lainnya. Determiner ini umumnya menyatakan proporsi dari suatu noun yang mengikutinya. Predeterminer antara lain multiplier, fraction, distributive dan exclamative. Berikut kombinasi predeterminer dengan/tanpa determiner lain dan noun (membentuk noun phrase).

multiplier + article / possessive + plural countable noun / mass noun

  • double the books
  • three times the bottles
  • twice the money
  • four times my salary

fraction + article / possessive + noun

  • one-third the width
  • two-thirds my salary
  • two-fifths the width

all/both (distributive) + article / possessive+ plural countable noun / uncountable noun

  • all the women
  • all the time
  • both her houses

half (distributive) + article / possessive + noun

  • half the price
  • half that task
  • half these books
  • half the information
  • half my furniture

what (exclamative) + article + noun

  • what a big surprise
  • what a beautiful view

such (exclamative) + a / zero article + noun

  • such a fool

Central Determiner

Central Determiner ditempatkan diantara
pre dan post determiner. Kata ini terdiri dari article, possessive, dan demonstrative dengan detail dan contoh sebagai berikut.

the (article) + noun

  • all the people
  • half the width
  • four times the width

a/an (article) + singular countable noun

  • what a big surprise
  • such an honour

possessive + noun

  • two-third his salary
  • all her salary
  • three times my salary

this / that (demonstrative) + uncountable / singular countable noun

  • all that luggage
  • one-third my age

these / those (demonstrative) + plural countable noun

  • all these books
  • all those deer

Post Determiner

Post Determiner  diletakkan setelah predeterminer dengan/tanpa central determiner setelahnya. Kata ini antara lain number dan quantifier.

cardinal number / ordinal number / general ordinal + noun

  • the three men
  • the ten dollars
  • the first class
  • the fourth floor
  • the next chapter
  • the last moment
  • my previous experience
  • his subsequent trip

quantifier + noun

  • the few women

Lihat juga:


  1. Accessed on May 29, 2014.
  2. Accessed on June 3, 2014.
  3. Accessed on May 29, 2014.
  4. Accessed on June 2, 2014.
  5. Accessed on May 29, 2014.
  6. Predeterminer. Accessed on June 3, 2014.
  7. Accessed on June 4, 2014.
  8. Predeterminer. Accessed on June 3, 2014.
  9. Such. Accessed on June 3, 2014.

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