Rumus dan Contoh Kalimat Passive Voice pada Berbagai Tense
Passive voice adalah suatu bentuk gramatikal dimana subjek kalimat tidak melakukan aksi, melainkan menerima aksi. Aksi ditindaklanjuti oleh agent lain yang disebutkan ataupun tidak.

Berikut beberapa rumus dan contoh kalimat passive voice pada beberapa tense Bahasa Inggris. Bentuk pasif dari perfect continuous sebaiknya dihindari karena rumit dan tidak elegan.
- Simple Present Tense
S + verb-1 + direct object
S (direct object) + is/am/are + past participle +/- by … (agent)
- People make books from trees.
(Orang membuat buku dari pohon.) - Books are made from trees.
(Buku dibuat dari pohon.)
Soal Passive – Simple Present Tense
- People make books from trees.
- Present Continuous Tense
S + am/is/are + present participle + direct object
S (direct object) + is/am/are + being + past participle +/- by … (agent)
- The surveyor is using the digital theodolite.
(Surveyor sedang menggunakan teodolit digital.) - The digital theodolit is being used.
(Teodolit digital sedang digunakan.)
Soal Passive – Present Continuous
- The surveyor is using the digital theodolite.
- Present Perfect Tense
S + have/has + past participle + direct object
S (direct object) + have/has + been + past participle +/- by … (agent)
- We have verified your application.
(Kami kami akan memverifikasi aplikasimu.) - Your application has been verified.
(Aplikasimu telah diverfikasi.)
Soal Passive – Present Perfect Tense
- We have verified your application.
- Simple Past Tense
S + verb-2 + direct object
S (direct object) + was/were + past participle +/- by … (agent)
- Sunmark Press printed the first book in 2005.
(Sunmark Press mencetak buku pertama tersebut pada tahun 2005.) - The first book was printed in 2005 by Sunmark Press.
(Buku pertama tersebut dicetak pada tahun 2005 oleh Sunmark Press.)
Soal Passive – Simple Past Tense
- Sunmark Press printed the first book in 2005.
- Past Continuous Tense
S + was/were + present participle + direct object
S (direct object) +was/were + being + past participle +/- by … (agent)
- My friend was baking bread when I came.
(Teman saya sedang memanggang roti ketika saya datang.) - Bread were being baked when I came.
(Roti sedang dipanggang ketika saya datang.)
Soal Passive – Past Continuous Tense
- My friend was baking bread when I came.

- Past Perfect Tense
S + had + past participle + direct object
S (direct object) + had + been + past participle +/- by … (agent)
- They had used poison gas in World War I.
(Mereka telah menggunakan gas beracun dalam perang dunia pertama.) - Poison gas had been used in World War I.
(Gas beracun telah digunakan dalam perang dunia pertama.)
Soal Passive – Past Perfect
- They had used poison gas in World War I.
- Simple Future Tense
- S + will + bare infinitive + direct object
- S + am/is/are going to + bare infinitive + direct object
- S (direct object) + will + be + past participle +/- by … (agent)
- S (direct object) + am/is/are going to + be + past participle +/- by … (agent)
- Dino will show you something interesting.
(Dino akan menunjukkan padamu sesuatu yang menarik.) - You will be shown something interesting.
(Kamu akan ditunjukkan sesuatu yang menarik.) - He is going to meet a new client tomorrow.
(Dia akan bertemu seorang klien baru besok.) - A new client is going to be met tomorrow.
(Seorang klien baru akan ditemui besok.)
Soal Passive – Simple Future Tense
- Future Perfect Tense
S + will + have + past participle + direct object
S (direct object) + will + have + been + past participle +/- by … (agent)
- I will have saved much money at this time next year.
(Saya akan telah menyimpan banyak uang tahun depan.) - Much money will have been saved at this time next year.
(Banyak uang akan telah disimpan tahun depan.)
Soal Passive – Future Perfect Tense
- I will have saved much money at this time next year.
Lihat juga:
- Yes-No Question pada Berbagai Tense
- Sequence of Tenses
- Simple Present Tense
- Aspect (Grammar)
- Soal Passive Voice
- Soal Tenses
- The Passive. Accessed on January 26, 2014.
Izin copy artikelnya untuk di plajari…
Silahkan Nakur 🙂 semoga membantu.
Kak, untuk bentuk progressive-passive apa memang cuma ada di present dan past (present/past continuous passive)? Jadi tidak ada bentuk passive di perfect-continuos, future dan past-future? Jika iya, kenapa?
Maaf Agung baru balas 🙁
Bentuk passive pada prefect continuous, future continuous memang sebaiknya dihindari karena rumit dan tidak elegan, sedangkan “past future” seperti would + bare infinitive ada kok bentuk passive nya: would + be + verb-3.
Yang present perfect tense rumusnya bukan present tapi past participle soalnya berakhiran ed . itu setau saya
Kalimat active nya ya Awanda? Maaf ya sudah saya perbaiki 🙂 Makasih koreksinya.
Kak aku masi bingung tentang future nya kak.
Bingung apanya Ratna? 🙂