Passive Voice Present Continuous Tense: Rumus dan Contoh Soal

Rumus Passive Voice Present Continuous Tense

Berbeda dengan active voice – present continuous tense yang main verb-nya berupa present participle (pada contoh tulisan sebelumnya: Present Continuous Tense), main verb pada passive voice berupa past participle. Past participle ditemani oleh auxiliary verb “be” berupa am/is/are dan “being”. Be disesuaikan dengan subject pada passive voice (= object pada active voice) — memenuhi subject-verb agreement. Adapun agent pada passive voice merupakan subject pada active voice.

Active Voice

S + am/is/are + present participle + direct object

Passive Voice

S (direct object) + is/am/are + being + past participle +/- by … (agent)

Rumus di atas berlaku untuk transitive verb, dimana memang kata kerja tersebut yang umum dipasifkan.

Contoh kalimat passive voice - present continuous tense: You've got to be patient while your order is being cooked. (Kamu harus bersabar ketika pesananmu sedang dimasak.)
Contoh Kalimat Passive Voice – Present Continuous Tense

Lihat juga:

Contoh Kalimat Passive Voice Present Continuous Tense

  1. The surveyor is using the digital theodolite.
    (Surveyor sedang menggunakan teodolit digital.)

    The digital teodolit is being used.
    (Teodolit digital sedang digunakan.)

  2. She is not cutting the grass now.
    (Dia tidak sedang memotong rumput sekarang.)

    The grass is not being cut now.
    (Rumput tidak sedang dipotong sekarang.)

  3. They are usually cleaning the floor when I come.
    (Mereka biasanya sedang membersihkan lantai ketika saya datang.)

    The floor is usually being cleaned when I come.
    (Lantai biasanya sedang dibersihkan ketika saya datang.)

  4. I have no idea know why he is wearing the shirt to sleep.
    (Saya tidak tahu kenapa dia menggunakan kemeja itu untuk tidur.)

    I have no idea why the shirt is being worn to sleep.
    (Saya tidak tahu kenapa kemeja itu digunakan untuk tidur.)

  5. Where are they presenting the product?
    (Dimana mereka memeresentasikan produk tersebut?)

    Where is the product being presented?
    (Dimana produk tersebut dipresentasikan?)

10 Contoh Soal Passive Voice – Present Continuous Tense Pilihan Ganda

Direct object pada active voice menjadi subject pada passive voice dimana pada present continuous tense kata kerja be (am/is/are) + v-ing (present participle) diubah menjadi be (am/is/are) + being + verb-3 (past participle).

Active Voice:

S + am/is/are + present participle + direct object

Passive Voice:

S (direct objectactive voice) + am/is/are + being + past participle +/- by … (subjectactive voice)

Pilihlah bentuk pasif yang tepat untuk setiap kalimat present continuous tense di bawah ini dengan mengetik a, b, c, atau d.

  1. She is cleaning the microwave oven.

    1. The microwave oven is being cleanned by her.
    2. The microwave oven are being cleanned by her.
    3. The microwave oven is being cleaned by her.
    4. The microwave oven are being cleaned by her.

    Your answer:

  2. Some workers are still renovating my kitchen and bathroom.

    1. My kitchen and bathroom is still being renovate by some workers.
    2. My kitchen and bathroom are still being renovate by some workers.
    3. My kitchen and bathroom is still being renovated by some workers.
    4. My kitchen and bathroom are still being renovated by some workers.

    Your answer:

  3. They are setting up the meeting room.

    1. The meeting room is being set up by them.
    2. The meeting room are being set up by them.
    3. The meeting room is being setted up by them.
    4. The meeting room are being setted up by them.

    Your answer:

  4. Are the students planning a school trip abroad?

    1. Is a school trip abroad being planed by the students?
    2. Are a school trip abroad being planed by the students?
    3. Is a school trip abroad being planned by the students?
    4. Are a school trip abroad being planned by the students?

    Your answer:

  5. The local chefs are preparing meals.

    1. Meals is being prepare by the local chefs.
    2. Meals are being prepare by the local chefs.
    3. Meals is being prepared by the local chefs.
    4. Meals are being prepared by the local chefs.

    Your answer:

  6. Tommy is not driving an unregistered vehicle.

    1. An unregistered vehicle is not being driven by Tommy.
    2. An unregistered vehicle are not being driven by Tommy.
    3. An unregistered vehicle is not being drove by Tommy.
    4. An unregistered vehicle are not being drove by Tommy.

    Your answer:

  1. Those beavers are building a dam.

    1. A dam is being built by those beavers.
    2. A dam are being built by those beavers.
    3. A dam is being build by those beavers.
    4. A dam are being build by those beavers.

    Your answer:

  2. We are not currently accepting new users.

    1. New users is not currently being accept by us.
    2. New users are not currently being accepted by us.
    3. New users is not currently being accepted by us.
    4. New users are not currently being accept by us.

    Your answer:

  3. The real estate agent is selling our properties.

    1. Our properties is being sold by the real estate agent.
    2. Our properties is being selled by the real estate agent.
    3. Our properties are being selled by the real estate agent.
    4. Our properties are being sold by the real estate agent.

    Your answer:

  4. The surveyor is collecting  data about customer satisfaction.

    1. Data about customer satisfaction is being collectted by the surveyor.
    2. Data about customer satisfaction is being collected by the surveyor.
    3. Data about customer satisfaction are being collected by the surveyor.
    4. Data about customer satisfaction are being collectted by the surveyor.

    Your answer:


Javascript diperlukan untuk menjalankan quiz ini.

Lihat juga:


  1. Continuous Forms of the Passive Accessed on November 15, 2014.
  2. Present Continuous. Accessed on November 15, 2014.
  3. How do we use the Present Continuous Tense? Accessed on November 15, 2014.
  4. Exercise 1 – The passive (present and past simple). Accessed on March 6, 2016.
  5. Exercise on Passive Voice – Simple Past. Accessed on March 6, 2016.
  6. Passive sentences in the Simple Past – Exercise. Accessed on March 6, 2016.
  7. Marie Curie – Questions and Answers. Accessed on March 6, 2016.

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