Simple Past dan Present Perfect Tense
Present perfect tense digunakan untuk membicarakan aksi yang telah dimulai di masa lampau (baru-baru ini atau sudah lama) dan terhubung dengan masa kini (masih berlangsung atau efeknya dapat dirasakan di masa kini). Berbeda dengan dengan present perfect, simple past tense mendeskripsikan aksi yang telah rampung (completed actions) atau situasi di masa lampau (past situation) tanpa menghubungkannya dengan masa kini.
Lihat juga:
- Simple Present vs. Present Continuous Tense
- Simple Past vs. Past Continuous Tense
- Simple Past vs. Past Perfect Tense
Contoh Simple Past Tense
My uncle came last week.
(Paman saya datang minggu lalu.)
Contoh Present Perfect Tense
My uncle has come.
(Paman saya sudah datang) baru-baru ini; sekarang dia ada disini
Informasi waktu (time) pada simple past mungkin spesifik, seperti: last night, this morning, dan on Sunday; sedangkan pada present perfect mungkin tidak dengan menggunakan indefinite time expression seperti: already, just, dan recently.
Contoh Simple Past Tense
I submitted my resignation letter yesterday.
(Saya mengirimkan surat pengunduran diri kemarin.)
Contoh Present Perfect Tense
I have already submitted my resignation letter.
(Saya sudah mengirimkan surat pengunduran diri.)

For atau since sama-sama dapat ditambahkan pada kedua tense tersebut, dimana pada simple past penambahan preposition tersebut menandakan bahwa aksi telah selesai, sementara pada present perfect berarti aksi belum selesai.
Contoh Simple Past Tense
He worked with me for nearly three years.
(Dia bekerja dengan saya selama hampir tiga tahun.) dia tidak bekerja disini sekarang
Contoh Present Perfect Tense
He has worked with me for nearly three years.
(Dia telah bekerja dengan saya selama tiga tahun.) dia masih bekerja disini
Interrogative sentence (kalimat pertanyaan) pada simple past biasanya menggunakan pronoun “when”, sementara pada present perfect menggunakan “how long”.
Contoh Simple Past Tense
When did they arrive here? Two days ago.
(Kapan mereka tiba disini?)
Contoh Present Perfect Tense
How long have they been here? They’ve been here for two days.
(Berapa lama mereka telah berada disini?)
10 Contoh Soal Simple Past dan Present Perfect Tense
Pilihlah simple past atau present perfect tense yang paling tepat untuk melengkapi bagian yang kosong dengan mengetik a atau b.
She … in a two-story house when she was young.
- lived
- has lived
Your answer:
German Democratic Republic … the Berlin Wall in 1961.
- has constructed
- constructed
Your answer:
He … the car yet.
- didn't fix
- hasn't fixed
Your answer:
They … in Boston for ten years before moving here.
- have lived
- lived
Your answer:
The factory … in operation since 1980.
- was
- has been
Your answer:
… already?
- has the bus left
- did the bus leave
Your answer:
Arum … her bank locker key yesterday.
- has lost
- lost
Your answer:
How long … to get the diagnosis? It took so long.
- have you waited
- did you wait
Your answer:
The driver … his car three times this year.
- crashed
- has crashed
Your answer:
I … the book, but still don’t get it.
- have re-read
- re-read
Your answer:
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Lihat juga:
- Present Perfect and Past Simple. Accessed on June 24, 2016.
- Present Perfect and Simple Past Compared. Accessed on June 24, 2016.
Thanks so much telah hadir membantu …semoga Tuhan selalu melindungi Dan memberkati kakak
Terima kasih doanya Runawaty. Sangat berarti buat saya :’). Semoga sukses juga buat kamu, dalam pendidikan dan karirnya.
Thank you for being an online teacher… the explanation is very clear and easy to understand.
Give me a tips how to compare between past Perfect vs past Perfect continuous
Kindly check out. 🙂
Seruu banget ngejawab kisi* bahasa inggris nya(◍•ᴗ•◍)❤