Simple Past Future Tense: Pengertian, Rumus, Contoh Kalimat, dan Soal

Pengertian Simple Past Future Tense

(Simple) Past future tense atau “future in the past” adalah suatu bentuk kata kerja untuk membicarakan masa depan dari perspektif masa lalu. Lebih spesifik, bentuk ini digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu aksi yang akan dilakukan, baik secara sukarela maupun yang direncanakan, membuat prediksi, dan membuat janji di masa depan pada saat berada di masa lalu. Tense ini sering digunakan pada reported speech.

contoh kalimat simple past future tense dan artinya: I knew it was going to be rainy today, so I closed the window. (Saya tahu hari ini akan turun hujan, jadi saya menutup jendela.)
contoh kalimat simple past future tense dan artinya

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Rumus Simple Past Future Tense

Simple past future tense dibentuk dari modalwould” dan bare infinitive atau dibentuk dari auxiliary verb “be” (was, were), present participle “going”, dan infinitive.  Apa itu infinitive? Infinitive merupakan particle “to” + bare infinitive.

Was untuk singular subject berupa singular noun (seperti: Andi, book, dan cat) dan singular pronoun (seperti: I, she, he, dan it) kecuali “you”; sebaliknya were yang merupakan plural verb digunakan pada plural subject berupa plural noun (seperti: cats, people, books), plural pronoun (seperti: you, they, we, dan cats), compound subject yang menggunakan “and” (seperti: you and I, Andi and Susi), dan you.

RUMUS SIMPLE PAST FUTURE TENSE Would + bare infinitive; was/were + going to + bare infinitive. Was untuk singular subject, seperti: singular noun dan singular pronoun (kecuali "you"); sementara were untuk plural subject, seperti: plural noun, plural pronoun, dan you.
rumus simple past future tense

Berikut rumus untuk kalimat positif, negatif, dan interogatif.

kalimat positif (+):

  • S + would + bare infinitive
  • S + was/were + going to + bare infinitive

kalimat negatif (-):

  • S + would + not + bare infinitive
  • S + was/were + not + going to + bare infinitive

kalimat interogatif (?):

  • would + S + bare infinitive?
  • was/were + S + going to + bare infinitive ?

Contoh Simple Past Future Tense

  • He would forgive you.
  • Lia was going to give two beautiful scarfs to her friend.
  • He wouldn’t forgive you.
  • Lia wasn’t going to give two beautiful scarfs to her friend.
  • Would he forgive you?
  • Was Lia going to give two beautiful scarfs to her friend?

Fungsi dan Contoh Kalimat Simple Past Future Tense

  1. Simple past future tense untuk menyatakan suatu aksi yang akan dilakukan secara sukarela (would).

    Contoh Kalimat

    I knew you would prepare all the things for the meeting.
    (Saya tau kamu akan mempersiapkan segala hal untuk pertemuan tersebut.)

  2. Bentuk kata kerja ini dapat digunakan untuk menyatakan aksi yang direncanakan (was/were going to).

    Contoh Kalimat

    • They said that they were going to visit Lombok.
      (Mereka mengatakan bahwa mereka akan mengunjungi Lombok.)
    • I thought she was going to enroll the course.
      (Saya pikir dia akan mendaftar kursus tersebut.)
  3. Tense ini dapat digunakan untuk membuat janji (would).

    Contoh Kalimat

    • My uncle told me that he would come on time.
      (Paman saya mengatakan pada saya bahwa dia akan datang tepat waktu.)
    • She promised she would give me a box of banana cake.
      (Dia berjanji dia akan memberi saya sekotak bolu pisang.)
  4. Simple past future tense dapat digunakan untuk membuat prediksi (would dan was/were going to).

    Contoh Kalimat

    • My father had a strong feeling that the weather would be warm.
      (Ayah saya punya perasaan kuat bahwa cuaca akan hangat.)
    • I thought that the authorities were going to investigate all allegations of fraud.
      (Saya pikir otoritas itu akan menyelidiki semua dugaan penipuan.)

Passive Voice – Simple Past Future Tense

Simple past future tense memiliki passive construction sebagai berikut.

S + would + be + Verb-3 / Past Participle


S + was/were + going to + be +  Verb-3 / Past Participle

Contoh Kalimat Active dan Passive Voice Simple Past Future Tense

  • I knew she would finish the task in an hour.
    (Saya tau dia akan menyelesaikan tugas tersebut dalam satu jam.)

    Passive Voice:

    I knew the task would be finished in an hour.
    (Saya tau tugas tersebut akan diselesaikan dalam satu jam.)

  • We thought Rizma was going to buy a new car.
    (Kami pikir Rizma akan membeli sebuah mobil baru.)

    Passive Voice:

    We thought a new car was going to be bought by Rizma.
    (Kami pikir sebuah mobil baru akan dibeli oleh Rizma.)

9 Contoh Soal Simple Past Future Tense Pilihan Ganda

Pilihlah jawaban yang paling tepat untuk melengkapi bagian yang kosong dengan mengetik a atau b.

  1. Dimas said that he … to hometown the following day.

    1. were going to go back
    2. was going to go back

    Your answer:

  2. I was sure that the employer … me after receiving my resume.

    1. would contacted
    2. would contact

    Your answer:

  3. Robi knew that he … a job easily after a long time unemployed.

    1. won't find
    2. wouldn't find

    Your answer:

  4. I thought you … to my house tonight.

    1. were going to come
    2. was going to come

    Your answer:

  5. The students promised that they … in exams.

    1. would never cheat
    2. would never cheated

    Your answer:

  6. Vina got a feeling that everything …

    1. would be all right
    2. would all right

    Your answer:

  7. We knew he … the difficult situation.

    1. would handled
    2. would handle

    Your answer:

  8. I knew that the murder case … by the sheriff.

    1. would be investigated
    2. would investigate

    Your answer:

  9. Farah told me that she … souvenirs for herself.

    1. was not going to buy
    2. were not going to buy

    Your answer:


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  1. Future-in-the-past. Accessed on December 11, 2012.
  2. Talking about the Past. Accessed on December 11, 2012.
  3. Future in the Past. Accessed on May 8, 2020.
  4. The future in the past. Accessed on May 8, 2020.

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