Conditional sentence type 2 atau second conditional adalah conditional sentence yang digunakan ketika result/consequence (hasil) dari condition (syarat) tidak memiliki atau hanya sedikit kemungkinan untuk terwujud karena condition-nya tidak mungkin dipenuhi di masa sekarang (present unreal situation) atau condition-nya sulit untuk dipenuhi di masa depan (unlikely to happen).
Condition berada di dalam subordinate clause dengan subordinate conjunction “if”, sedangkan result/consequence berada di dalam main clause.
Lihat juga:
Rumus Conditional Sentence Type 2
Bagian conditional clause (if + condition) menggunakan simple past tense, sedangkan bagian main clause (result) menggunakan modal verb dan bare infinitive (infinitive tanpa to).
complex sentence | |
subordinate clause (if + condition) | main clause (result/consequence) |
if + simple past | would/could/might + bare infinitive |

If-clause dapat menempati awal atau tengah kalimat. Ketika if-clause menempati awal kalimat, koma ditempatkan sebelum main clause. If … not dapat digantikan dengan unless.
Were Menggantikan Was
Pada conditional sentence type 2, were digunakan menggantikan was meskipun menggunakan singular subject (subjek tunggal: 3rd person pronoun (she, he, it) atau noun). Hal ini untuk menunjukkan bahwa pengandaiannya benar-benar hanya berupa khayalan semata karena condition-nya tidak mungkin dipenuhi (present unreal situation).
complex sentence | |
subordinate clause (if + condition) | main clause (result/consequence) |
if + S + were | would/could/might + bare infinitive |

Contoh Kalimat Conditional Sentence Type 2
- (+) If it rained tomorrow, I would sleep all day.
(Jika besok hujan, saya akan tidur sepanjang hari.)Fakta:
but I don’t have much hope it will rain (tapi saya tidak punya cukup keyakinan bahwa besok akan hujan)
- (+) If Nisa studied hard, she would pass.
(Jika Nisa belajar keras, dia akan lulus.)Fakta:
but Nisa doesn’t study hard (tapi Nisa tidak belajar keras.)
- (+) If I had much money, I would buy a sport car.
(Jika saya punya banyak uang, saya akan membeli sebuah mobil sport.)Fakta:
but I don’t have much money (tapi saya tidak punya banyak uang)
- (+) If I were a millionaire, I would donate my money to charity.
(Jika saya seorang millionaire, saya akan mendonasikan uang saya untuk amal.)Fakta:
but I’m not a millionaire (tapi saya bukan seorang milioner)
- (-) If Nisa studied hard, she wouldn’t fail.
(Jika Nisa belajar keras, dia tidak akan gagal.) - (-) If Nisa didn’t study hard, she would fail. atau Unless Nisa studied hard, she would fail.
(Jika Nisa tidak belajar keras, dia akan gagal.) - If I were a millionaire, I wouldn’t donate my money to charity.
- (?) If Nisa studied hard, would she pass?
- (?) If you had much money, would you buy a sport car?
- (?) If you were a millionaire, would you donate my money to charity?
Inverted Word Order pada Conditional Sentence Type 2
Inverted word order berarti verb muncul sebelum subject. Kondisi ini dapat terjadi dengan menghilangkan kata “if” dan menukar posisi subject dan verb. Contohnya sebagai berikut.
- If I (S) were (V) the shopkeeper, I would give you discounts.
(Jika saya pemilik toko, saya akan memberimu potongan harga.) normal - Were (V) I (S) the shopkeeper, I would give you discounts. inverted
10 Contoh Soal Conditional Sentence Type 2

Pilihlah jawaban yang menurutmu paling tepat untuk melengkapi bagian yang kosong dengan mengetik a atau b.
If I … his mind, I wouldn’t let him touch my PC.
- could read
- would read
Your answer:
If I … him, I would quit my job and start a business.
- was
- were
Your answer:
If he were here, I … him not to enter the room without permission.
- would advise
- would advice
Your answer:
It … appreciated if you returned the form as soon as possible.
- would be greatly
- would greatly
Your answer:
… I rich, I would send my son to study overseas.
- Were if
- Were
Your answer:
If he studied harder, he … the best score in his class.
- would got
- would get
Your answer:
Your parents wouldn’t be angry if you … to them.
- didn't lie
- don't lie
Your answer:
Unless Reny got enough sleep, she … productive.
- wouldn't
- wouldn't be
Your answer:
If I won a gold medal at the international physics olympiad, I … admision in some universities without test.
- could get
- can get
Your answer:
If you had a sister, … clothes with her?
- would you share
- you would share
Your answer:
Javascript diperlukan untuk menjalankan quiz ini.
Lihat juga:
- Conditional Sentence
- Conditional Sentence type 0
- Conditional Sentence type 1
- Conditional Sentence type 3
- Conditional Sentences.$18. Accessed on April 10, 2013.
- Conditionals Quiz. Accessed on November 22, 2013.
- Real and Unreal Conditional Form Worksheets. Accessed on November 22, 2013.
- English Test on Conditional Sentences Type 1 and 2. Accessed on November 22, 2013.
Thx banget. Sangat membantu apa lagi besok saya UAS.
Semoga UAS kemarin hasilnya memuaskan ya ^^
Itu no 1 knp bknnya would tpi mlh could ya kak mhn dibantu
Maknanya lebih cocok could Adit 🙂
Materinya singkat dan jelas, mudah untuk dipahami dan juga tertata dengan rapi. Thank you kak karena sudah berbagi ilmunya. Nyerap banget diotak karena penjelasannya ringan:D.