Pengertian dan Penggunaan Fell dan Felt
Fell dan felt adalah dua verb (kata kerja) yang dapat membingungkan karena bentuk dan pelafalannya hampir sama. Meskipun demikian, dua simple past ini sangat berbeda maknanya.
Fell berasal dari bare infinitive (bentuk dasar) “fall” yang bermakna “to drop down from a higher level or to suddenly stop standing” (jatuh dari level yang lebih tinggi atau tiba-tiba berhenti berdiri) sementara felt dari “feel” yang merupakan linking verb yang berarti “to experience a particular feeling or emotion” (merasakan perasaan atau emosi tertentu) atau transitive verb yang berarti “to notice something that affects you physically” (menyadari sesuatu yang mengenaimu secara fisik).
Contoh Kalimat Fell dan Felt dan Artinya
- A construction worker fell into a trench that was 8 feet deep.
(Seorang bekerja konstruksi jatuh ke dalam parit sedalam 8 kaki.) - How much rain fell in your area yesterday?
(Berapa banyak hujan jatuh di areamu kemarin?) - He accidentally tripped on the uneven pavement and fell to the ground.
(Dia tidak sengaja tersandung di trotoar yang tidak rata dan jatuh ke tanah.) - The autumn leaves fell gently from the trees, covering the ground in a colorful carpet.
(Dedaunan musim gugur berguguran lembut dari pepohonan, menutupi tanah dengan hamparan warna-warni.) - He fell and dislocated his ankle.
(Dia jatuh dan pergelangan kakinya bergeser.) - They felt guilty about the way they had treated me.
(Mereka merasa bersalah tentang cara mereka memperlakukan saya.) - Sisca felt like a burden to everyone.
(Dia merasa seperti beban bagi semua orang.) - He felt a sudden surge of happiness when he received the unexpected gift.
(Tiba-tiba dia merasakan gelombang kebahagiaan saat menerima hadiah tak terduga itu.) - I felt that he was tapping my shoulder.
(Saya merasakan dia menepuk bahu saya.)
Contoh Soal Fell vs. Felt
Lengkapi kalimat di bawah ini dengan fell atau felt.
The tree down before the storm.
Sitting alone in the canteen at lunchtime I like a boss.
She as if her bones would no longer bear her frame.
The leaves like rain.
The student sure that he could manage his time effectively.
Do you know how to fix a phone that in water?
The employee was alone when he from the second floor.
I overwhelmed by stress.
Rama someone sit on his bed at night.
I was there when the car into the sinkhole.
Lihat juga:
- Lay / Lie (Verb): Pengertian, Contoh Kalimat, dan Soal
- Flesh Out / Flush Out: Pengertian, Contoh Kalimat, dan Soal
- Bring / Take (Verb): Penggunaan dan Contoh Kalimat
- Lend / Borrow (Verb): Perbedaan, Contoh Kalimat, dan Soal
- Start / Begin (Verb): Penggunaan, Contoh Kalimat, dan Soal
- Accessed on November 19, 2016.
- Accessed on November 22, 2016.
- Accessed on November 27, 2016.
- Accessed on November 19, 2016.