Pengertian Part of Speech
Parts of speech adalah bagian-bagian mendasar dari kalimat Bahasa Inggris. Ada 8 part of speech, yaitu: noun (kata benda), pronoun (kata ganti), verb (kata kerja), adjective (kata sifat), adverb (kata keterangan), preposition (kata depan), conjunction (kata hubung), dan interjection (kata seru).
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Penggunaan dan Contoh Kalimat Delapan Part of Speech
Noun (Kata Benda)
Noun digunakan untuk menamai orang, benda, hewan, tempat, dan konsep abstrak. Macam-macam part of speech ini antara lain countable dan uncountable noun, proper dan common noun, abstract dan concrete noun, dan collective noun.
- countable noun (dapat dihitung): book, car, foot, mountain, tree
- uncountable noun (tidak dapat dihitung): English, happiness, meat, milk, snow
- common noun (umum): country, desert, physicist
- proper noun (spesifik): Indonesia, Sahara, Albert Einstein
- abstract noun (menyatakan ide, konsep, perasaan, keadaan, sifat, atau karakter): idea, honesty, imagination, kindness, love
- concrete noun (berupa material atau berwujud nyata): cheese, desk, man, sugar, water
- collective noun (nama kelompok atau kumpulan): class, deer, couple, furniture, staff
Contoh Kalimat Noun
- He just bought a car.
(Dia baru saja membeli mobil.) countable noun - Your book is on the table.
(Bukumu di atas meja.) countable noun - She decided to stop eating meat to lose weight.
(Dia memutuskan berhenti makan daging untuk menurunkan berat badan.) uncountable noun - All I want is honesty.
(Yang saya inginkan hanyalah kejujuran.) abstract noun
Pronoun (Kata Ganti)
Pronoun digunakan untuk menggantikan noun.
Part of speech ini bermanfaat untuk menghindari repetisi penggunaan noun. Macam-macamnya antara lain personal pronoun, demonstrative pronoun, interrogative pronoun, relative pronoun, indefinite pronoun, reflexive pronoun, intensive pronoun, dan reciprocal pronoun.- personal pronoun (secara spesifik): I, you, we, they, she, he, it
- demonstrative pronoun (menunjukkan jumlah dan jarak): this, that, these, those
- interrogative pronoun (untuk mengajukan pertanyaan): who, what, which, whom, whose
- relative pronoun (untuk membentuk relative clause): who, which, whom, whose, that
- indefinite pronoun (secara umum): another, anything, everything, none, someone
- reflexive pronoun (untuk menyatakan bahwa subjek menerima aksi dari verb): myself, yourself, ourselves, themselves, herself
- intensive pronoun (untuk memberikan penekanan pada antecedent): myself, yourself, ourselves, themselves, herself
- reciprocal pronoun (ketika dua/lebih subjek melakukan aksi yang sama terhadap satu sama lain): each other, one another
Contoh Kalimat Pronoun
- It is on the table.
(Itu di atas meja.) personal pronoun - This is your cake.
(Ini kuemu.) demonstrative pronoun - He didn’t blame himself for the accident.
(Dia tidak menyalahkan dirinya sendiri terhadap kecelakaan tersebut.) personal pronoun, reflexive pronoun - Friends help each other.
(Teman membantu satu sama lain.) reciprocal pronoun
Verb (Kata Kerja)
Verb digunakan untuk menunjukkan tindakan dari subject, menunjukkan peristiwa, atau keadaan. Macam-macam part of speech ini antara lain: transitive dan intransitive verb, regular dan irregular verb, action dan stative verb, finite dan non-finite verb, linking verb, dan causative verb.
- transitive verb (diikuti direct object): ask, buy, hit, make, show
- intransitive verb (tidak diikuti direct object): arrive, come, go, smile, wait
- regular verb (mayoritas verb-2 dan verb-3 nya -d/-ed form): accept, bake, decide, live, walk
- irregular verb (verb-2 dan verb-3 didapat dengan berbagai cara): bear, choose, feel, send, write
- action verb (menyatakan aksi atau bahwa sesuatu terjadi): eat, grow, jump, run, work
- stative verb (membicarakan kondisi yang tetap atau cenderung tetap): adore, deserve, forgive, impress, sound
- finite verb (dipengaruhi tense; dan number dan person pada subjek): transitive dan intransitive verb, action dan stative verb, linking verb, dan auxiliary verb
- non-finite verb (tidak dipengaruhi tense ataupun number dan person pada subjek): present participle, past participle, infinitive, bare infinitive
- linking verb (menghubungkan subjek dengan informasi atau deskripsinya): act, be, look, seem, taste
- causative verb (menunjukkan subjek membuat seseorang/sesuatu melakukan aksi): get, have, lead, let, make
Contoh Kalimat Verb
- You hit the nail on the head.
(idiom: melakukan sesuatu dengan cara paling efektif.) - I’m still not feeling well.
(Saya masih merasa tidak enak badan.) - She adores cooking and finds it very therapeutic.
(Dia suka memasak dan merasa itu sangat menenangkan.)
Adjective (Kata Sifat)
Adjective digunakan untuk menerangkan noun atau pronoun.
Contoh Kalimat Adjective
- Vina is a beautiful girl.
(Vina adalah gadis yang cantik.) menerangkan noun “girl” - I am not angry with you.
(Saya tidak marah padamu.) menerangkan pronoun “I”
- Vina is a beautiful girl.
Adverb (Kata Keterangan)
Adverb digunakan untuk menerangkan verb, adjective, maupun adverb lain. Macam-macam part of speech ini antara lain:
- adverb of time (early, recently, yesterday, now, tonight)
- adverb of manner (fast, hard, slowly, softly, quickly)
- adverb of degree (enough, quite, so, too, very)
- adverb of modality (likely, maybe, perhaps, possibly, unlikely)
- adverb of frequency (always, barely, daily, often, sometimes)
- adverb of place (away, behind, here, nearby, somewhere)
- adverb of focus (also, even, just, mainly, only)
Contoh Kalimat Adverb
- They met by chance yesterday.
(Mereka bertemu tidak sengaja kemarin.) adverb of time - He is not here.
(Dia tidak disini) adverb of place - I go fishing sometimes.
(Saya pergi memancing kadang-kadang.) adverb of frequency
Preposition (Kata Depan)
Preposition dikombinasikan dengan noun atau pronoun untuk membentuk phrase (prepositional phrase) yang menerangkan verb, noun, atau adjective. Part of speech ini dapat dibedakan menjadi:
- preposition of time (after, before, during, since, until)
- preposition of place (above, at, in, on, under)
- preposition of movement (inside, into, off, toward(s), up)
- prepositition of manner (by, in, like, on, with(out))
- preposition of purpose (for)
- preposition of quantity/measure (for, by)
Contoh Kalimat Preposition
- Is sleeping on the floor bad for my back?
(Apakah tidur di lantai buruk untuk punggung saya?) on the floor = prepositional phrase - She prefers to stay at home and spend time alone.
(Dia lebih suka tinggal di rumah dan menghabiskan waktu sendirian.) at home = prepositional phrase
Conjunction (Kata Hubung)
Conjunction digunakan untuk menghubungkan dua kata, frasa (phrase), klausa (clause), atau paragraf (paragraph). Part of speech ini terbagi menjadi
- coordinate conjunction (menghubungkan dua konstruksi gramatikal yang sama): and, but, nor, or, yet, for, so
- correlative conjunction (digunakan berpasangan): between … and, either … or, from … to, rather … than, if … then
- subordinate conjunction (membentuk adverbial clause): after, because, before, although, when
- conjunctive adverb (menghubungkan dengan logis dua independent clause yang berurutan): at last, besides, however, hence, then
Contoh Kalimat Conjunction
- I like that car, but I don’t have enough money to buy it.
(Saya suka mobil itu, tapi saya tidak punya cukup uang untuk membelinya.) coordinate conjunction - He would rather send a text message than make a phone call.
(Dia lebih suka mengirim pesan text daripada menelepon.) correlative conjunction
Interjection (Kata Seru)
Interjection merupakan ucapan pendek digunakan untuk mengungkapkan emosi.
Contoh Kalimat Interjection
- “Alas, he failed.”
- “Oy! Look at me!”
10 Contoh Soal Parts of Speech Pilihan Ganda
Tentukan part of speech yang tepat untuk setiap kata yang digaris bawah dengan mengetik a, b, c, atau d.
It's time to step out of your comfort zone.
- adverb
- noun
- pronoun
- preposition
Your answer:
He really did something childish this morning.
- adjective
- noun
- verb
- adverb
Your answer:
Stay here until he comes back.
- conjunction
- adverb
- preposition
- interjection
Your answer:
How many knives do I really need in my kicthen?
- pronoun
- adverb
- noun
- adjective
Your answer:
She suddenly changed her mind about selling her house.
- adverb
- conjunction
- adjective
- interjection
Your answer:
I have been to Japan three times.
- adverb
- adjective
- conjunction
- verb
Your answer:
They don't go out in a boat during a severe storm.
- adverb
- preposition
- verb
- conjunction
Your answer:
Wow! You look gorgeous!
- pronoun
- interjection
- noun
- adjective
Your answer:
This book is mine. Yours is on the table.
- preposition
- adverb
- noun
- pronoun
Your answer:
Had you seen the picture before?
- preposition
- adverb
- verb
- conjunction
Your answer:
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Lihat juga:
- Before. Accessed on March 23, 2016.
- Parts of Speech Quiz. Accessed on March 23, 2016.
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