Superlative Degree: Pengertian, Contoh Kalimat, dan Soal

Pengertian Superlative Degree

Superlative adalah nama yang diberikan untuk grammar yang digunakan untuk membandingkan tiga atau lebih orang, benda, atau hal. Saat menggunakan superlative degree, kita hanya membicarakan satu orang, benda, atau hal. Yaitu tentang bagaimana hebat, buruk, baik, dan lain sebagainnya orang, benda, atau hal tersebut.

Superlative degree merupakan the third degree of comparison (derajat perbandingan tingkat ketiga) pada adjective dan adverb. Degree of comparison yang pertama adalah positive degree, sedangkan yang kedua adalah comparative degree.

Contoh kalimat superlative degree (adjective): This is the best cake I've ever tasted! (Ini kue terbaik yang pernah saya cicipi!)
contoh kalimat superlative degree (adjective)

Perubahan Bentuk pada Superlative Degree

Adjective dan adverb mengalami perubahan bentuk ketika digunakan sebagai perbandingan. Pada regular form, perubahan bentuk adjective dan adverb mengikuti pola tertentu. Sebaliknya pada irregular form, perubahan bentuk kata-kata tersebut tidak mengikuti pola tertentu.

Regular Form: Aturan dan Contoh Kalimat Superlative Degree

  1. Adjective dan adverb yang terdiri dari satu suku kata (one syllable) ditambahkan -est. Biasanya terjadi double huruf consonant di ujung kata pada bentuk dasar yang berpola: consonant – vocal – consonant.

    Contoh Superlative Adjective

    • cold-coldest
    • fat-fattest
    • fine-finnest
    • rich-richest
    • tall-tallest
    • thin-thinnest

    Contoh Superlative Adverb

    • fast-fastest
    • hard-hardest

    Contoh Kalimat Superlative Degree

    • I’m the tallest among my friends.
      (Saya paling tinggi diantara teman-teman.) superlative adjective
    • My brother is the fattest in our family.
      (Saudara laki-laki saya paling gemuk di keluarga.) superlative adjective
    • He is the richest man in this country.
      (Dia pria terkaya di negara ini.) superlative adjective
    • He drove the fastest in the country.
      (Dia mengemudi tercepat di negaranya.) superlative adverb
    • In order to get the best score, she must study the hardest of all her classmates.
      (Agar mendapatkan nilai terbaik, dia harus belajar lebih keras dari semua teman sekelasnya.) superlative adverb
  2. Adjective yang berasal dari past participle biasanya menggunakan most di depan adjective tersebut.

    Contoh Superlative Degree

    • Bored-most bored
    • tired-most tired

    Contoh Kalimat Superlative Degree

    They are the most tired workers I’ve ever seen.
    (Mereka pekerja yang paling kelelahan yang pernah saya lihat.) superlative adjective

  3. Adjective dan adverb yang lebih dari satu suku kata (dua atau lebih), ditambahkan most di depannya.

    Contoh Superlative Adjective

    • careful-most careful
    • difficult-most difficult
    • dilligent-dilligent
    • handsome-most handsome
    • stupid-most stupid

    Contoh Superlative Adverb

    • fluently-most fluently
    • gently-most gently
    • quickly-most quickly

    Contoh Kalimat Superlative Degree

    • She is looking for the most difficult puzzle.
      (Dia sedang mencari puzzle tersulit.) superlative adjective
    • You are the most stupid man that I have ever met.
      (Kamu pria terbodoh yang saya pernah temui.) superlative adjective
    • He is the most dilligent student in my class.
      (Dia siswa paling rajin di kelas saya.) superlative adjective
    • She speaks English the most fluently in the office.
      (Dia berbicara Bahasa Inggris terfasih di kantor tsb.) superlative adverb
    • Of all my assistants, he can write a report the most quickly.
      (Dari semua asistenku, dia dapat menulis laporan tercepat.) superlative adverb
  4. Pada two syllables yang ber-ending -y, huruf “y” tersebut direduksi kemudian ditambahkan -iest.

    Cotoh Superlative Degree

    • easy-easiest
    • funny-funniest
    • lazy-laziest
    • pretty-prettiest
    • sunny-sunniest

    Contoh Kalimat Superlative Degree

    • I will tell you the easiest way to solve the problem.
      (Saya akan mengatakan padamu cara termudah untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut.) superlative adjective
    • It’s the sunniest day in this month.
      (Ini hari tercerah bulan ini.) superlative adjective
  5. Beberapa adjective dapat dibentuk dengan menambahkan -est.

    Contoh Superlative Degree

    • clever-cleverest
    • narrow-narrowest
    • simple-simplest

    Contoh Kalimat Superlative Degree

    • Yulia is the cleverest of all.
      (Yulia terpintar dari semuanya.) superlative adjective
    • This is the simplest recipe to make a rainbow cake.
      (Ini resep paling sederhana untuk membuat bolu pelangi.) superlative adjective

Irregular Form

Berikut beberapa contoh adjective dan adverb memiliki bentuk irregular.

Positive Comparative Superlative
bad worse worst
far further furthest
good better best
little less least
many, much, some more most
badly worse worst
far further furthest
little less least
much more most
well better best

Double Superlative

Double superlative adalah struktur yang menggunakan dua macam pembentuk superlative form dari adjective (kata sifat) atau adverb (kata keterangan), yaitu akhiran -est dan most. Double superlative perlu dihindari karena dianggap tidak tepat dalam Bahasa Inggris (grammatically incorrect), namun struktur kadang-kadang digunakan pada situasi informal ketika seseorang ingin memberikan penekanan.

contoh kalimat double superlative dan artinya: She is the most happiest person I've ever met.(Dia adalah orang paling bahagia yang pernah saya temui.)
contoh kalimat double superlative dan artinya

Contoh Kalimat Double Superlative

Berikut beberapa contoh kalimat menggunakan double superlative dan correct version-nya.

  1. Sailfish are the most fastest fish in the ocean.

    Correct Version

    Sailfish are the fastest fish in the ocean.
    (Sailfish adalah ikan tercepat di lautan.) superlative adjective

  2. It was the most funniest story I ever heard.

    Correct Version

    It was the funniest story I ever heard.
    (Itu cerita paling lucu yang pernah saya dengar.) superlative adverb

  3. Which country works the most hardest?

    Correct Version

    Which country works the hardest?
    (Negara yang mana yang bekerja paling keras?) superlative adverb

  4. Nobody knows who the most poorest person on earth is.

    Correct Version

    Nobody knows who the poorest person on earth is.
    (Tidak ada yang tahu siapa orang termiskin di bumi ini.) superlative adjective

  5. It was the most funniest joke I’ve ever heard in my life.

    Correct Version

    It was the funniest joke I’ve ever heard in my life.
    (Itu lelucon paling lucu yang pernah saya dengar di dalam hidup saya.) superlative adjective

  6. He is the most cleverest student in the class.

    Correct Version

    He is the cleverest student in the class.
    (Dia siswa paling pintar di kelas.) superlative adjective

18 Contoh Soal Superlative Degree

Adjective dan adverb mengalami penyesuaian ketika digunakan sebagai perbandingan. Pada regular form perubahannya adjective mengikuti pola tertentu, namun berlaku sebaliknya pada irregular form.

Pilihlah superlative form dari adjective atau adverb di dalam kurung dengan mengetik a atau b.

  1. Where is the ... (hot) place on earth?

    1. hottest
    2. most hot

    Your answer:

  2. Who lives the ... (near) to the school?

    1. most near
    2. nearest

    Your answer:

  3. This book had the ... (dusty) jacket when I found it.

    1. most dusty
    2. dustiest

    Your answer:

  4. I use my smartphone the ... (often) to provide Internet service to my computer.

    1. often
    2. most often

    Your answer:

  5. Making the ... (good) decision for the organization is his role as a leader.

    1. best
    2. most good

    Your answer:

  6. The customers were treated badly, but I was treated the ... (badly).

    1. most badly
    2. worst

    Your answer:

  7. It was the ... (useful) thing I have ever learned.

    1. most useful
    2. usefulest

    Your answer:

  8. My brother works the ... (hard) in the water treatment company.

    1. hardest
    2. most hard

    Your answer:

  9. I think you were the ... (excited) person for this trip.

    1. excitedest
    2. most excited

    Your answer:

  10. He talked to me the ... (seriously) of all the interviewers.

    1. most seriously
    2. seriousliest

    Your answer:

  11. This type of store offers the ... (wide) variety of products.

    1. most wide
    2. widest

    Your answer:

  12. It is the ... (quickly) built stadium in New Zealand.

    1. quickliest
    2. most quickly

    Your answer:

  13. The treatment option seems to have the ... (few) side effects.

    1. fewest
    2. most few

    Your answer:

  14. The hospital performed the ... (well) in heart bypass surgery.

    1. most well
    2. best

    Your answer:

  15. What is the ... (comfortable) fabric to wear?

    1. comfortablest
    2. most comfortable

    Your answer:

  16. It was the ... (beautifully) written book I've ever read.

    1. most beautifully
    2. beautifulliest

    Your answer:

  17. They produce the ... (creamy) cappuccino in the small town.

    1. creamiest
    2. most creamy

    Your answer:

  18. A friend of mine has the ... (rare) blood type.

    1. most rare
    2. rarest

    Your answer:


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Lihat juga:


  1. Comparative and Superlative. Accessed on August 11, 2012.
  2. Comparatives and Superlatives. Accessed on August 11, 2012.
  3. Superlatives. Accessed on August 11, 2012.
  4. Comparative and Superlative. Accessed on March 15, 2015.
  5. Double Superlative. Accessed on March 15, 2015.
  6. Hard. Accessed on March 15, 2015.
  7. Exercise 2 – Superlative adjectives. Accessed on March 24, 2016.
  8. Example Comparatives and Superlatives. Accessed on March 24, 2016.
  9. Participial Adjectives. Accessed on March 24, 2016.
  10. Superlative Adverbs. Accessed on March 26, 2016.
  11. Using Adverbs to Compare. Accessed on March 26, 2016.
  12. Comparison: Adverbs (Worse, More Easily). Accessed on March 26, 2016.
  13. Near. Accessed on March 26, 2016.
  14. Badly. Accessed on March 26, 2016.
  15. More. Accessed on March 26, 2016.

39 thoughts on “Superlative Degree: Pengertian, Contoh Kalimat, dan Soal”

  1. hi kak.. makasih banyak artikelnya sangat membantu. Mau tanya, kalau untuk superlative itu biasanya ada penggunaan partikel “the” ya sebelum kata sifatnya. Apakah itu keharusan?


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