Subject dan Predicate: Pengertian dan Contoh Kalimat

Soal Subject and Predicate

Pengertian Subject dan Predicate

Setiap complete sentence (kalimat yang dapat berdiri sendiri) memiliki subject dan predicate. Subject adalah tentang apa atau siapa yang dibicarakan dalam suatu kalimat atau klausa sedangkan predicate menerangkan sesuatu tentang subject. Subject dapat berupa orang, hewan, benda, maupun konsep abstrak.

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Complete Subject dan Complete Predicate

Setiap complete subject pada dasarnya dibangun oleh satu atau lebih noun (kata benda), pronoun (kata ganti), atau konstruksi lain yang dapat berperan sebagai noun seperti gerund (verb-ing) dan infinitive (to-verb); dengan/tanpa tambahan modifier(s) yang dapat berupa article (the, an, an), adjective (kata sifat), dan prepositional phrase (preposition + object).

Complete predicate terdiri dari verb atau compound verb (auxiliary verb + verb)  dengan/tanpa tambahan modifier(s) dan complement (tambahan kata lain untuk melengkapi makna kalimat). Modifier yang digunakan dapat berupa adverb (kata keterangan) dan prepositional phrase. Sedangkan complement dapat berupa direct object jika kata kerja yang digunakan merupakan transitive verb, atau berupa subject complement jika kata kerja yang digunakan merupakan linking verb.

rumus complete subject dan predicate: complete subject: +/- modifier (e.g. a/an/the, adjective) + noun/pronoun/gerund/infinitive +/- modifier (e.g. prepositional phrase); complete predicate: +/- auxiliary verb + verb +/- complement (e.g. direct object, subject complement) +/- modifier (e.g. adverb, prepositional phrase)
rumus complete subject dan predicate

Contoh Kalimat


  • Complete subject
  • Complete Predicate
  1. His new car tax has already been paid by his assistant.
    (Pajak mobil baru dia telah dibayar oleh asistennya.)
  2. Lia and I were eating our lunch on the kitchen table.
    (Lia dan saya sedang makan siang di meja dapur.)
  3. The very big boarding school in this country was built in 1980.
    (Sekolah asrama yang sangat besar di negara ini dibangun tahun 1980.)

Simple Subject dan Predicate

Simple subject berupa noun atau pronoun tunggal, dengan mengesampingkan modifier. Sedangkan simple predicate berupa verb atau compound verb tunggal.

Contoh Kalimat

  1. His new car tax has already been paid by his assistant.
    (Pajak mobil baru dia telah dibayar oleh asistennya.)


    • simple subject: tax
    • simple predicate: has been paid
  1. The very big boarding school in this country was built in 1980.
    (Sekolah asrama yang sangat besar di negara ini dibangun tahun 1980.)


    • simple subject: school
    • simple predicate: was built
  2. Open the door!
    (Buka pintu!)


    • simple subject: “you” (pada kalimat imperative subjek tidak ditulis karena dianggap sudah cukup dimengerti)
    • simple predicate: open
  3. His uncle will not arrive on time.
    (Pamannya tidak akan tiba tepat waktu.)


    • simple subject: uncle
    • simple predicate: will arrive
  4. There was an abandoned house.
    (Ada rumah kosong.)


    • simple subject: house
    • simple predicate: was
  5. Running may be hard for overweight people.
    (Lari mungkin sulit untuk orang yang kelebihan berat badan.)


    • simple subject: running
    • simple predicate: may be
  6. To travel next week is a bad idea.
    (Bepergian minggu depan merupakan ide yang buruk.)


    • simple subject: to travel (infinitive)
    • simple predicate: is (linking verb)

Compound Subject dan Predicate

Compound subject terdiri dari dua atau lebih noun atau pronoun, tanpa memperhitungkan modifier(s)-nya.

Contoh Kalimat

  1. Lia and Ana were eating our lunch and were discussing abortion on the kitchen table.
    (Lia dan saya sedang makan siang dan membahas aborsi di meja dapur.)


    • compound subject: Lia, Ana
    • compound predicate: were eating, were discussing
    • our lunch, abortion: direct object
    • on the kitchen table: prepositional phrase
  2. The beautiful woman and her cute daughter arrived late but left early.
    (Wanita cantik dan anaknya yang manis tiba terlambat tapi pergi cepat.)


    • compound subject: woman, daughter
    • compound predicate: arrived, left
    • late, early: adverb

10 Contoh Soal Subject and Predicate Pilihan Ganda

Setiap kalimat yang lengkap memiliki subject dan predicate. Subject ialah tentang apa atau siapa yang dibicarakan dalam suatu kalimat atau klausa sedangkan predicate menjelaskan tentang subject.

Simple subject hanya terdiri dari noun atau pronoun tunggal, compound subject berupa lebih dari satu noun atau pronoun tunggal, sedangkan complete subject berupa noun dengan segala modifier-nya. Simple predicate terdiri dari verb +/- auxiliary verb, compound predicate berupa lebih dari satu verb +/- auxiliary verb, sedangkan complete subject berupa verb +/- auxiliary verb berikut modifier dan/atau complement-nya jika ada.

Pilihlah satu jawaban yang menurutmu paling tepat sesuai dengan pertanyaannya dengan mengetik a atau b.

  1. Here are the files for burning into a CD-ROM.

    What is the simple subject?

    1. here
    2. files

    Your answer:

  2. Have a seat.

    What is the simple subject?

    1. I
    2. you

    Your answer:

  3. My mother used to brush and braid my hair when I was ten years old.

    What is the simple subject?

    1. mother
    2. my mother

    Your answer:

  4. I was jogging in the park at this time yesterday.

    What is the simple predicate?

    1. was jogging
    2. jogging

    Your answer:

  5. He has called the wedding off.

    What is the simple predicate?

    1. has called off
    2. has called

    Your answer:

  1. They should be kind to each other.

    What is the simple predicate?

    1. should be kind
    2. should be

    Your answer:

  2. Somebody must have tried to steal my car!

    What is the simple predicate?

    1. must have
    2. must have tried
    3. must have tried to steal

    Your answer:

  3. I don’t like wearing a jumpsuit.

    What is the simple predicate?

    1. do like
    2. don't like

    Your answer:

  4. Sita usually boils potatoes for five minutes and fries them with peppers.

    What is the compound predicate?

    1. usually boils and fries
    2. boils and fries

    Your answer:

  5. He is planting something in the garden.

    What is the complete predicate?

    1. planting something in the garden
    2. is planting something in the garden

    Your answer:


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  1. Accessed on October 8, 2012.
  2. Accessed on October 7, 2012.
  3. Accessed on October 7, 2012.
  4. Accessed on April 4, 2013.

10 thoughts on “Subject dan Predicate: Pengertian dan Contoh Kalimat”

  1. Kak thank you so much for creating this site, it is really helpful.
    Jangan bosen-bosen untuk posting ya ka hehehe ^^
    Wish you all the best kak!

  2. Kak, Prepositional phrase kan menjawab pertanyaan How, When, Where, Why.
    Tapi ” For overweight people ” menjawab pertanyaan apa kak?
    Apakah How, When, Where, Why kak?

  3. Hi kak wilma sya dpt tugas dri dosen kampus sya untuk menganalisa kalimat berikut ” Islamic law also introduced the right of ” Mutual consultation” or shura. This was its way of banishing tyranny,whimsey and arbitrainess from muslim life,wheter at home,in bussines or in government.” Jdi kita harus breakdown kata per kata seprti mencari verb nya, apakah ada unsur adjective clause,past participle dll..lumayan bikin kepala nyut nyutan ni ka???? boleh minta tolongin sya untuk membantu hal tsb..thanks before????


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