Pengertian Possessive Adjective
Possessive adjective adalah determiner (special adjective) yang digunakan untuk menyatakan kepemilikan (possession) terhadap noun. Adjective ini terdiri dari my, your, his, her, its, our, dan their.
Contoh Possessive Adjective
- my books (buku saya)
- your father (ayahmu)
- our class (kelas kita)
- their offer (tawaran mereka)
- his last name (nama belakangnya)
- her skirt (roknya)
- its tail (ekornya)
Contoh Kalimat Possessive Adjective
- Your father just left five minutes ago.
(Ayahmu baru saja pergi lima menit lalu.) - He has accepted their offer.
(Dia telah menerima tawaran mereka.) - I didn’t even know his last name.
(Saya bahkan tidak mengetahui nama belakangnya.)

Possessive Pronoun dan Adjective
Possessive adjective memiliki bentuk yang mirip dengan possessive pronoun. Perbandingannya dapat dilihat pada tabel berikut.
Person | Number | Posessive Pronoun |
1st | Singular | mine |
2nd | yours | |
3rd | hers, his | |
1st | Plural | ours |
2nd | yours | |
3rd | theirs | |
Person | Number | Possessive Adjective |
1st | singular atau plural | my |
2nd | your | |
3rd | her, his, its | |
1st | our | |
2nd | your | |
3rd | their |
Pronoun berfungsi mengantikan noun yang dapat berupa singular (mine, yours, hers, his, its) atau plural (ours, yours, theirs). Jika pronoun yang berperan sebagai subjek kalimat berupa singular, maka verb yang mengikuti berbentuk singular, begitupun sebaliknya.
Sedangkan semua possessive adjective dapat digunakan bersama singular maupun plural noun. Ketika noun yang berperan sebagai subjek kalimat berupa singular, maka diikuti verb berbentuk singular, berlaku sebaliknya.

Contoh Kalimat Possessive Pronoun dan Adjective
- Mine is the biggest one. / My house is the biggest one.
(Milikku adalah yang terbesar. / Rumahku adalah yang terbesar.) subject - The city is mine. / The city is my hometown.
(Kota tsb milikku. / Kota tsb adalah kampung halamanku.) subject complement - Yours was sent yesterday. / Your letter was sent yesterday.
(Milikmu dikirim kemarin. / Suratmu dikirim kemarin.) subject - Yours were sent yesterday. / Your letters were sent yesterday. subject
- Today is yours. / Today is your day.
(Hari ini milikmu. / Hari ini harimu.) subject complement - Hers is beautiful. / Her skirt is beautiful.
(Miliknya cantik. / Rok dia cantik.) subject - It is not his. / It is not his car.
(Itu bukan miliknya. / Itu bukan mobilnya.) subject complement - I like his. / I like his car.
(Saya suka miliknya. / Saya suka mobil dia.) object - – / That puppy wagged its tail.
(Anak anjing itu mengibaskan ekornya.) - Ours is on the table. / Our key is on the table.
(Milik kita di atas meja. / Kunci kita di atas meja.) subject - That is ours. / That is our class.
(Itu milik kita. / Itu kelas kita.) subject complement - They found ours. / They found our key.
(Mereka menemukan milik kita. / Mereka menemukan kunci kita.) object - Theirs are the official rules. / Their rules are the official rules.
(Punya mereka adalah peraturan resmi. / Peraturan mereka adalah peraturan resmi.) subject - Some of the good books are theirs. / Some are their own.
(Beberapa dari buku bagus tsb adalah milik mereka. / Beberapa adalah milik mereka.) subject complement
Posisi di dalam Noun Phrase
Possessive adjective tepat berada di depan simple noun atau dapat disela oleh determiner lain maupun adjective (sebagai modifier) pada noun phrase. Sebagai informasi, adjective ini merupakan salah satu dari central determiner, yaitu determiner yang diletakkan diantara pre dan post-determiner pada suatu noun phrase.
- your choice [determiner “possessive adj” (your) + noun (choice)]
- two-third his salary [predeterminer “fraction” (two-third) + central determiner “possessive adj” (my) + noun (salary)]
- my funny cat [determiner “possessive adj” (my) + modifier “adjective” (funny) + noun (cat)]
10 Contoh Soal Possessive Adjective Pilihan Ganda
Pilihlah possessive adjective yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat di bawah ini dengan mengetik a, b, c, atau d.
Dr. John and the team are committed to delivering the highest quality product to ... clients.
Your answer:
Andrian just bought a used car. ... car has manual locks.
Your answer:
The woman gets up before dawn and sells fruits and vegetables at the farmer's market to pay for ... daughter's college tuition.
Your answer:
I love swimming. Sometimes I go to public swimming pool with ... family.
Your answer:
Please take ... shoes off before entering the room.
Your answer:
Someone has left ... watch in the bathroom.
Your answer:
Why do a cat chase ... tail?
Your answer:
The lawyer or his assistants will ask some questions about your case in ... office.
Your answer:
My husband and I found two dead mice in ... sink a couple days ago.
Your answer:
Some eliminate fast food from ... daily diet.
Your answer:
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Lihat juga:
- Accessed on April 4, 2013.
- Accessed on October 16, 2012.
- Accessed on October 16, 2012.
- Accessed on November 13, 2014.
Do’ain kak semoga blognya sukses dan do’akan semoga saya lulus sks walau masih sma kak:)
Iya Berliana semoga blog sukses dan kamu lulus sks ya. Aamiin 😀
Kakak Mau Nanya,Kalau Him itu Beda Lagi Ya kak.Thanks In Advance.
Hi Ali,
Him itu personal pronoun, lebih tepatnya objective personal pronoun (dapat berfungsi sebagai object of verb atau object of preposition) 😀