Perfect Infinitive: Pengertian dan Contoh Kalimat

Pengertian Perfect Infinitive

Perfect inifinitive adalah to have + past participle. Konstruksi ini ditempatkan setelah verb seperti:

  • claim
  • consider
  • expect
  • hate
  • hope
  • like
  • love
  • prefer
  • pretend
contoh kalimat Bahasa Inggris perfect infinitive dan artinya: We hope to have finished the renovation by next month.(Kami berharap renovasi bisa selesai bulan depan.)
contoh kalimat Bahasa Inggris perfect infinitive dan artinya

Rumus Verb + Perfect Infinitive:

verb + to have + past participle

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Penggunaan Perfect Infinitive

Aksi pada perfect infinitive mungkin terjadi di masa lampau mendahului aksi pada verb di depannya, bisa juga aksi pada perfect infinitive mungkin terjadi di masa depan sedangkan aksi pada verb di depannya terjadi pada saat ini. Bingung? Perhatikan contoh kalimat perfect infinitive pada berbagai situasi di bawah ini.

  1. present condition + something prior to that time

    • She pretends to have read my writing.
      (Dia berpura-pura telah membaca tulisan saya.)
    • I would like to have sent him my wedding invitation.
      (Saya ingin sudah mengiriminya undangan pernikahan saya.)
  2. past condition + something prior to that time

    The scientists claimed to had found proof of alien life.
    (Para ilmuan tersebut mengelaim telah menemukan bukti kehidupan alien.)

  3. present condition + something after that time

    We expect to have finished the new product design by the end of this month.
    (Kami berharap telah menyelesaikan desain produk baru tersebut akhir bulan ini.)

Perfect infinitive dapat pula digunakan pada kalimat tanpa subjek (non-finite clause) untuk menunjukkan suatu event yang telah terjadi di masa lampau.

Contoh Kalimat Perfect Infinitive

To have worked together with the team was an unforgettable experience.
(Bekerja bersama-sama dengan tim tersebut merupakan pengalaman yang tidak terlupakan.) =The person worked together

Lihat juga:


  1. Sequence of Verb Tenses. Accessed on June 21, 2014.
  2. Perfect infinitive with to (to have worked). Accessed on June 21, 2014.
  3. Modals – Deduction Past. Accessed on June 21, 2014.
  4. Sequence of Tenses. Accessed on June 21, 2014.
  5. should and should have, would and would have, could and could have. Accessed on June 21, 2014.
  6. can, could and could have. Accessed on June 21, 2014.

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