Embedded Question: Penjelasan dan Contoh Soal

Pengertian Embedded Question

Embedded question adalah pertanyaan (dapat berupa wh- question atau yes-no question) yang berada di dalam ke dalam pernyataan (declarative statement) atau pertanyaan lain.

Penggunaan Embedded Question

Embedded question digunakan ketika ingin menyajukan pertanyaan yang lebih sopan atau membicarakan hal yang tidak diketahui pembicara, dimana umumnya berada setelah frasa sebagai berikut.

  • I wonder…
  • Can/could you tell me…
  • Do you know…
  • I’m not sure…
  • I have no idea…
  • I wanted to know…
  • I can’t remember…
  • Can you remember…
  • Please tell me…

Aturan Embedded Question

Berikut beberapa aturan embedded question disertai contoh kalimatnya.

  1. embedded questionTipe pertanyaan ini berbeda dengan interrogative sentence “biasa” — direct question — yang verb muncul sebelum subject (inverted word order). Embedded question biasanya tersusun dengan pola subject mendahului verb.

    Contoh Direct Question dan Embedded Question

    • Where does she live?
      (Dimana dia tinggal?)

      Can you tell me where she lives?*
      (Dapatkah kamu mengatakan pada saya dimana dia tinggal?)

    • Can you lend me a car?
      (Dapatkah kamu meminjamkan saya mobil?)

      I wonder if you could lend me a car.
      (Saya ingin tahu apakah kamu dapat meminjamkan saya mobil.)

    • Is she tired all the time?
      (Apakah dia lelah sepanjang waktu?)

      I wanted to know if she is tired all the time.
      (Saya ingin tahu apakah dia lelah sepanjang waktu.)

    * Berbeda dengan direct question, embedded question tidak menggunakan dummy auxiliary verb do/does/did.

  2. Embedded question diakhiri oleh question mark (tanda tanya) jika merupakan bagian dari interrogative sentence, atau diakhiri dengan full stop (titik) jika merupakan bagian dari statement.

    Contoh Direct Question

    Why did she leave work without saying anything?
    (Mengapa dia meninggalkan pekerjaan tanpa mengatakan apapun?)

    Contoh Embedded Question

    di dalam interrogative dentence

    Do you have any idea why she left work without saying anything?
    (Apakah kamu punya ide mengapa dia meninggalkan pekerjaan tanpa mengatakan apapun?)

    di dalam declarative statement

    I have no idea why she left work without saying anything.
    (Saya tidak punya ide  mengapa dia meninggalkan pekerjaan tanpa mengatakan apapun?)

  3. If, whether, atau whether or not digunakan jika tidak ada question words (where, why, who, what, when, how).

    Contoh Direct Question

    Can he drive an automatic car?
    (Dapatkah dia mengemudi mobil matic.)

    Contoh Embedded Question

    • Do you know if he can drive an automatic car?
      (Apakah kamu tahu dia dapat mengemudi mobil matic?)
    • Do you know whether he can drive an automatic car? 
    • Do you know whether or not he can drive an automatic car?
      ( Apakah kamu tahu dia dapat mengemudi mobil matic atau tidak?)
  4. Contraction tidak digunakan di akhir kalimat.

    Contoh Direct Question

    Who is he?
    (Siapakah dia?)

    Contoh Embedded Question

    Do you know he’s he is?
    (Apakah kamu tahu dia siapa?)

10 Contoh Soal Embedded Question

Embedded question merupakan pertanyaan yang berada di dalam ke dalam pernyataan atau pertanyaan lain. Tipe pertanyaan ini dapat berupa yes-no atau wh- question.

Pilih embedded question untuk setiap direct question di bawah ini dengan mengetik a atau b.

  1. “When does the school year begin?”

    1. Do you know when does the school year begin?
    2. Do you know when the school year begins?

    Your answer:

  2. “Where is he?”

    1. I have no idea where he's.
    2. I have no idea where he is.

    Your answer:

  3. “Will she come on time?”

    1. I don't know if she will come on time.
    2. I don't know will she come on time.

    Your answer:

  4. “Why did he pretend to be someone else?”

    1. I wanted to know why he pretended to be someone else?
    2. I wanted to know why he pretended to be someone else.

    Your answer:

  5. “How long should I wait?”

    1. Please tell me how long should I wait.
    2. Please tell me how long I should wait.

    Your answer:

  6. “What time did your roommate sleep last night?”

    1. Can you tell me what time your roommate slept last night?
    2. Can you tell me what time your roommate slept last night.

    Your answer:

  7. “Is she our HR manager?”

    1. Do you know if she is our new HR manager?
    2. Do you know if is she our new HR manager?

    Your answer:

  8. “Can you wait any longer?”

    1. I wonder can you wait any longer.
    2. I wonder if you could wait any longer.

    Your answer:

  9. “Do you remember your first day of school?”

    1. I'm not sure do I remember my first day of school.
    2. I'm not sure if I remember my first day of school.

    Your answer:

  10. “Do you have any meetings today?”

    1. I can't remember whether I have any meetings today or not.
    2. I can't remember do I have any meetings today.

    Your answer:


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Lihat juga:


  1. Embedded Questions. http://web2.uvcs.uvic.ca/courses/elc/studyzone/410/grammar/410-embedded-questions.htm. Accessed on January 1, 2014.
  2. Embedded Question. http://grammar.about.com/od/e/g/Embedded-Question-term.htm. Accessed on January 1, 2014.
  3. Embedded Questions. http://www2.estrellamountain.edu/faculty/stonebrink/ESL040/121embeddques.pdf. Accessed on January 1, 2014.

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