Down in the Dumps (Phrase): Pengertian dan Contoh Kalimat

Pengertian Down in the Dumps

(Down) in the dumps adalah frasa Bahasa Inggris yang bermakna “depressed or unhappy” (depresi atau tidak bahagia). Frasa ini bersifat informal.

contoh kalimat down in the dumps dan artinya: It's OK to be down in the dumps – just don't stay there too long. — Catherine DeVrye (Tidak apa-apa bersedih – asalkan jangan terlalu lama.)
contoh kalimat down in the dumps dan artinya

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Contoh Kalimat Down in the Dumps dan Artinya

  1. He’s a bit down in the dumps because he just lost his job.
    ( Dia sedikit sedih karena dia baru kehilangan pekerjaannya.)
  2. Kayla has been down in the dumps ever since she read the letter.
    (Kayla menjadi sedih sejak dia membaca surat tersebut.)
  3. I’m feeling down in the dumps but I don’t know why.
    (Saya sedang merasa sedih tapi saya tidak tahu kenapa.)

Lihat juga:


  1. Meaning of “(down) in the dumps” in the English Dictionary. Accessed on January 27, 2018.
  2. (Down) in the Dumps – Definition and Synonyms. Accessed on January 27, 2018.
  3. Down in the Dumps. Accessed on January 27, 2018.

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