Pengertian Nominalization
Nominalization adalah proses pembuatan noun (kata benda) dari part of speech lain, umumnya adjective (kata sifat) atau adverb (kata keterangan). Pada proses yang merupakan tipe word formation ini, mungkin ditambahkan derivational suffix pada verb atau adjective tersebut.
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Contoh Common Nominalization
Verb → Noun
Verb | Noun |
agree | agreement |
allow | allowance |
discover | discovery |
excite | excitement |
fail | failure |
fly | flight |
grow | growth |
impair | impairment |
invade | invasion |
move | movement |
operate | operation |
react | reaction |
refuse | refusal |
resist | resistance |
study | study |
Contoh Kalimat
- After a lengthy discussion, they finally agreed on a compromise that satisfied both parties.
(Setelah berdiskusi panjang lebar, akhirnya mereka menyepakati kompromi yang memuaskan kedua belah pihak.) - The business partners shook hands, sealing their agreement to collaborate on a new project.
(Mitra bisnis itu berjabat tangan, menyegel persetujuan mereka untuk berkolaborasi dalam proyek baru.) - The teacher will allow extra time for students who need it during the exam.
(Guru akan memberikan waktu tambahan bagi siswa yang memerlukannya pada saat ujian.) - Parents often give their children a weekly allowance to teach them about managing money.
(Orang tua sering kali memberi anak mereka uang saku mingguan untuk mengajari mereka cara mengelola uang.)
Adjective → Noun
Adjective | Noun |
applicable | applicability |
careless | carelessness |
different | difference |
difficult | difficulty |
elegant | elegance |
happy | happiness |
industrial | industrialisation |
intense | intensity |
less | lessee |
wide | width |
Contoh Kalimat
- The twins may look similar, but their personalities are quite different.
(Si kembar mungkin terlihat serupa, namun kepribadian mereka sangat berbeda.) - There is a noticeable difference in performance between the two models of the car.
(Ada perbedaan performa yang mencolok antara kedua model mobil tersebut.) - The wide river flowed peacefully through the expansive valley.
(Sungai lebar itu mengalir dengan damai melalui lembah yang luas.) - The width of the doorway was too narrow for the large furniture to pass through.
(Lebar pintunya terlalu sempit untuk dilewati furnitur besar.)
- Nominalizations. Accessed on July 14, 2016.
- Nominalization. Accessed on July 14, 2016.
- Nouns: forming nouns from other words. Accessed on July 14, 2016.
- Nominalization. Accessed on July 14, 2016.
- Nominalizations; Active and Passive Voice. Accessed on July 14, 2016.
Bagaimana jika discover menjadi discoverment dlsb. Thanks
discover + -ment (noun suffix)
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