Soal Simple, Compound, Complex, Compound-Complex Sentence dan Jawaban

Materi Sentence Types

Berdasarkan strukturnya, sentence type (tipe-tipe kalimat) dapat dikategorikan menjadi 4 macam, yaitu: simple, compound, complex, atau compound-complex sentence.

Soal Sentence Types

Tentukan tipe kalimat di bawah ini berdasarkan strukturnya, apakah simple, compound, complex, atau compound-complex sentence dengan mengetik a, b, c, atau d.

  1. Eggs turn hard if you boil them.

    1. simple sentence
    2. compound sentence
    3. complex sentence
    4. compound-complex sentence

    Your answer:

  2. He becomes excellent at managing money and analyzing trends.

    1. simple sentence
    2. compound sentence
    3. complex sentence
    4. compound-complex sentence

    Your answer:

  3. Some common minerals are easily dissolved, and they have a distinctive taste.

    1. simple sentence
    2. compound sentence
    3. complex sentence
    4. compound-complex sentence

    Your answer:

  4. The role of race in intelligence is still the subject of controversy.

    1. simple sentence
    2. compound sentence
    3. complex sentence
    4. compound-complex sentence

    Your answer:

  5. I told her I wanted to be more than just her best friend, but she didn't say anything.

    1. simple sentence
    2. compound sentence
    3. complex sentence
    4. compound-complex sentence

    Your answer:

  1. She stepped on a nail while walking around the construction site.

    1. simple sentence
    2. compound sentence
    3. complex sentence
    4. compound-complex sentence

    Your answer:

  2. Antony loves swimming after work; He feels at peace in the water.

    1. simple sentence
    2. compound sentence
    3. complex sentence
    4. compound-complex sentence

    Your answer:

  3. Yulia's brother works at a laboratory located in downtown Chicago.

    1. simple sentence
    2. compound sentence
    3. complex sentence
    4. compound-complex sentence

    Your answer:

  4. My friends assume that marriage has changed me so much, and I think they're absolutelly right.

    1. simple sentence
    2. compound sentence
    3. complex sentence
    4. compound-complex sentence

    Your answer:

  5. It was many years ago when my grandfather owned and operated a creamery, a place where butter and cheese are produced.

    1. simple sentence
    2. compound sentence
    3. complex sentence
    4. compound-complex sentence

    Your answer:


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Materi Sentence Types

Lihat juga:


  1. Grammar Exercise 04: Simple, Compound, Complex. Accessed on May 9, 2016.
  2. Exercise in Identifying Sentences by Structure. Accessed on May 9, 2016.
  3. Quiz on Sentence Types. Accessed on May 10, 2016.
  4. Mineral Taste Test. Accessed on May 10, 2016.

15 thoughts on “Soal Simple, Compound, Complex, Compound-Complex Sentence dan Jawaban”

    • Halo Cika, sudah saya tambahkan penjelasan di bawah jawabannya 🙂 Agak berantakan sih karena saya belum menemukan software yang lebih baik. Oh ya yang tidak ada penjelasannya itu simple sentence ya, yang mengandung 1 independent clause. Semoga membantu 🙂


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