Pengertian Conjunction
Conjunction adalah kata atau kelompok kata yang berfungsi menghubungkan dua konstruksi gramatikal yang sama yaitu: kata, frasa (phrase), atau klausa (clause). Kata atau kelompok kata ini dapat dibedakan menjadi coordinate, correlative, subordinate, dan adverbial conjunction (conjunctive adverb).
Table of Contents: |

Contoh kalimat pada gambar di atas menggunakan coordinate conjunction “or”.
Lihat juga:
- Adjunct
- Disjunct
- Adverb
- Interjection (Kata Seru Bahasa Inggris)
- Hyphen (Tanda Hubung Bahasa Inggris)
Macam dan Contoh Kalimat

Coordinate Conjunction
Coordinate conjunction terdiri dari: for, and, nor, but, or, yet, dan so (fanboys). Kata hubung ini sering digunakan pada compound sentence untuk menghubungkan dua independent clause.
Contoh Kalimat
- I love running and swimming.
(Saya suka berlari dan berenang.) - She wants a house, but she can’t afford it.
(Dia menginginkan sebuah rumah, tetapi tidak dapat membelinya.)
- I love running and swimming.
Correlative Conjunction
Correlative conjunction adalah kata hubung yang digunakan berpasangan.
- between … and … (diantara … dan …)
- both … and … (baik … maupun)
- either … or …, neither … nor
- from … to …
- hardly … when, no sooner … than, scarcely … when
- if … then
- not … but (tidak … tapi), not only … but also … (tak hanya … tapi juga)
- rather … than
- the more … the less (semakin banyak …, semakin sedikit …), the more … the more (semakin banyak …, semakin banyak)
- whether … or …
Contoh Kalimat
- Both Mirza and Vina are currently taking English classes.
(Baik Mirza maupun Vina saat ini sedang mengambil kelas Bahasa Inggris.) - The more we learn grammar, the less we face difficulties in writing.
(Semakin banyak kita mempelajari grammar, semakin sedikit kita menghadapi kesulitan-kesulitan didalam menulis.)
Subordinate Conjunction
Subordinate conjunction adalah kata hubung yang berada di awal suatu subordinate clause yang disebut adverbial clause yang berfungsi membangun hubungan ide antara subordinate clause tersebut dengan main clause (berupa independent clause) yang membentuk complex sentence.
Rumus Complex Sentence
main clause (S + verb +/- …) + subordinate clause (subordinate conjunction + S + verb +/- …
- after (setelah)
- as (ketika, sementara)
- as soon as (segera setelah)
- before (sebelum)
- once (segera setelah)
- since (sejak)
- until/till (sampai)
- when (ketika)
- whenever (kapan saja, sewaktu-waktu)
- while (ketika, sementara)
- where (dimana)
- wherever (dimanapun)
- although, even though, though (meskipun)
- whereas (sebaliknya, sedangkan)
- while (meskipun)
- even if (kalaupun)
- as (karena)
- because (karena)
- since (karena)
- so/so that (sehingga)
- in order that (agar)
- so that (agar)
- as long as (jika, dengan syarat)
- if (jika, dengan syarat)
- only if (hanya jika)
- otherwise (jika tidak)
- or else (jika tidak)
- provided /providing (that) (jika, dengan syarat)
- supposing (asumsikan, anggap)
- unless (jika tidak)
- as if (seperti)
- as though (seperti)
- how (bagaimana)
- the way (cara)
Contoh Kalimat
- I will call you when I get home.
(Saya akan menghubungimu ketika saya sampai di rumah.) - We should be polite and humble wherever we live.
(Kita sebaiknya sopan dan rendah hati dimanapun kita tinggal.) - Please open the window so that the smell will go away quickly.
(Tolong buka jendela supaya bau itu akan pergi dengan cepat.)
Conjunctive Adverb
Conjunctive adverb adalah adverb (kata keterangan) atau adverbial phrase yang dapat menghubungkan dengan logis dua independent clause yang berurutan.
- also
- besides
- furthermore
- moreover
- however
- in spite of
- nonetheless
- nevertheless
- instead
- nevertheless
- on the other hand
- still
- accordingly
- as a result
- consequently
- hence
- so
- therefore
- thus
- afterward
- at last
- at the same time
- meanwhile
- finally
- in the meantime
- then
- next
Contoh Kalimat
- I was up all night and therefore I fell asleep at my desk.
(Saya terjaga sepanjang malam. Karena itu saya tertidur di meja.) - It was a difficult and boring task, but nevertheless she managed to finish on time.
(Itu merupakan tugas yang sulit dan membosankan, tapi dia berhasil menyelesaikannya tepat waktu meskipun demikian.)
10 Contoh Soal Conjunction Pilihan Ganda
Pilihlah kata hubung yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat di bawah ini dengan mengetik a atau b.
Our new classmate is not bad; …, he’s very kind.
- furthermore
- rather
Your answer:
The more you prepare yourself for the Job Interview, … stress you may feel.
- the more
- the less
Your answer:
Neither Indah … her friends ate lunch here yesterday.
- nor
- or
Your answer:
To stay … to leave your job is your prerogative.
- nor
- or
Your answer:
It wasn’t my will, … yours.
- but also
- but
Your answer:
Kim eats many egg whites before work out … he wants to gain weight.
- because
- so that
Your answer:
… you gave him 10 great reasons to never give up, he wouldn’t listen.
- even though
- as
Your answer:
Sammy had someone handle her passport … he went to abroad.
- when
- before
Your answer:
The used car is very cheap; … , I want to buy it.
- however
- therefore
Your answer:
The weather was cold, … Bobby wore a jacket and gloves.
- yet
- so
Your answer:
Javascript diperlukan untuk menjalankan quiz ini.
Lihat juga:
Lihat juga:
- After, Before, dan When (Subordinate Conjunction): Penjelasan dan Contoh Kalimat
- If / Whether: Perbedaan, Contoh Kalimat, dan Soal
- Even If / Even Though (Conjunction): Pengertian dan Contoh Kalimat
- Though (Conjunction/Adverb): Pengertian, Contoh, dan Soal
- Once (Adverb/Conjunction): Pengertian dan Contoh Kalimat Bahasa Inggris
- Accessed on October 25, 2018.
- Accessed on October 27, 2018.
Thank you for the information, it’s really helpful I hope you keep posting things like this🙏🏽
Thanks for coming and your support Ricky 😀