Pengertian Main Verb
Main verb adalah verb apapun (termasuk linking verb) yang bukan merupakan auxiliary verb. Kata kerja ini dikenal juga dengan istilah full verb atau lexical verb.
Contoh Kalimat Main Verb
- They go to school by bus.
(Mereka pergi ke sekolah dengan bus.) - Water boils at 100 degrees Celcius.
(Air mendidih pada suhu 100 derajat celcius.) - He reads a new book every week.
(Dia membaca buku baru setiap minggu.) - They exercise every morning to stay fit.
(Mereka berolahraga setiap pagi agar tetap bugar.)
Main Verb dan Auxiliary
Main verb seringkali tidak muncul sendirian melainkan bersama satu atau lebih auxiliary verb. yang dapat berupa be (am, is, are, was, were, be, been, being), do (do, does, did), have (have, has, had), atau modal auxiliary verb seperti can, could, may, might, will, would, should, dan must.
Contoh Main Verb dan Auxiliary
Auxiliary | Main Verb | Complete Verb |
is | studying | is studying |
He is studying now.
(Dia sedang belajar sekarang.)
Auxiliary | Main Verb | Complete Verb |
have | read | have read |
I have read this book.
(Saya telah membaca buku ini.)
Auxiliary | Main Verb | Complete Verb |
will | come | will come |
I will come as soon as possible
(Saya akan datang sesegera mungkin.)
Auxiliary | Main Verb | Complete Verb |
have, been | walking | have been walking |
We have been walking for an hour.
(Kita telah berjalan selama satu jam.)
Main Verb, Phrase, dan Clause
Main verb biasanya muncul segera setelah subject (bisa juga disela suatu phrase atau clause; lihat subject-verb agreement)
Contoh Kalimat
Subject – Verb | Contoh Kalimat Main Verb |
“normal” | The table has been repaired. (Meja tersebut telah diperbaiki.) |
disela phrase | The table, made of marble, has been repaired. |
disela clause | The table, which is made of marble, has been repaired. (Meja yang terbuat dari marmer telah diperbaiki.) |
Lihat juga:
- Main Verb. Accessed on March 17, 2013.
- Main Verbs and Auxiliaries. Accessed on March 17, 2013.
- Subjects and Main Verbs. Accessed on March 17, 2013.
di atas contoh untuk” i has read this book” keliru, seharusnya auxillary have ” i have read this book”
Eh iya udah diperbaiki..maaf ya ngaco..makasih uda dikasih tau Andy.. 🙂