Pengertian Correlative Conjunction
Correlative conjunction adalah conjunction (kata hubung) yang digunakan berpasangan untuk menunjukkan hubungan antara dua kata, frasa (phrase), atau klausa (clause). Elemen kalimat yang dihubungkan biasanya bersifat paralel (kedudukannya sejajar) secara struktur gramatikal. Kata hubung ini disebut juga paired conjunction.

Lihat juga:
Contoh Correlative Conjunction
- between … and … (diantara … dan …)
- both … and … (baik … maupun)
- either … or …, neither … nor
- from … to …
- hardly … when, no sooner … than, scarcely … when
- if … then
- not … but (tidak … tapi), not only … but also … (tak hanya … tapi juga)
- rather … than
- the more … the less (semakin banyak …, semakin sedikit …), the more … the more (semakin banyak …, semakin banyak)
- whether … or …
Contoh Kalimat Correlative Conjunction dan Artinya
- There are no difference beetwen you and him.
(Tidak ada perbedaan antara dirimu dan dirinya.) - She loves both swimming and running.
(Dia suka baik renang maupun lari.) - The man is neither handsome nor faithful.
(Pria itu tidak tampan ataupun setia.) - Either Nisa or her mother is a scientist.
(Entah Nisa atau ibunya adalah ilmuwan.) - I travelled from England to Rome in three days.
(Saya bepergian dari Inggris ke Roma dalam tiga hari.) - Hardly had you left the restaurant when the party was started.
(Kamu hampir telah meninggalkan restoran ketika pesta dimulai.) - No sooner did I send the email than the reply came.
(Tidak lama dari saya mengirimkan e-mail balasannya datang.) - Scarcely had I finished my work when I went to bed.
(Tak lama setelah saya menyelesaikan pekerjaan, saya tidur.) - If you help him now, then he’ll repay oneday.
(Jika kamu menolongnya sekarang, kemudian dia akan membalasnya suatu hari nanti.) - Yuni is not his girl friend but his cousin.
(Yuni bukan pacarnya melainkan sepupunya.) - He can drive not only a car but also a helicopter.
(Dia tidak hanya bisa mengemudi mobil tapi juga helikopter.) - My parents would rather have lunch in a traditional restaurant than have lunch in a fast food restaurant.
(Orangtua saya lebih suka makan siang di restoran tradisional daripada di makan siang di restoran cepat saji.) - The more we learn grammar, the less we face difficulties in writing.
(Semakin banyak kita mempelajari grammar, semakin sedikit kita menghadapi kesulitan-kesulitan didalam menulis.) - The more you give alms to others, the more you get rewards from God.
(Semakin banyak kamu memberi sedekah kepada orang lain, semakin banyak kamu mendapat imbalan dari Tuhan.) - It doesn’t matter whether you win or (you) lose.
(Tidak masalah kamu menang atau kalah.)
Contoh Soal Correlative Conjunction Pilihan Ganda
Ketik a atau b untuk melengkapi kalimat di bawah ini.
Whales, dolphins, and walruses are ... fish ... mammals.
- not ... but
- not only ... but also
Your answer:
Lia and I discussed ... to attend the meeting ... have a representative attend in our place.
- between ... or
- whether ... or
Your answer:
... had hotel housekeeper left ... the guests entered the room.
- hardly ... than
- no sooner ... than
Your answer:
The more you smile, ... you will get positive reactions from others.
- the less
- the more
Your answer:
Neither the woman ... her daughter has a posititive attitude.
- nor
- or
Your answer:
I would like to try both the classic tiramisu ... creamy cheesecake recipes.
- or
- and
Your answer:
She would rather wash clothes by hand ... use a dishwasher.
- to
- than
Your answer:
Choosing between staying at home ... working full-time were not easy for her.
- and
- to
Your answer:
Do you know the distance from Earth ... Mars?
- and
- to
Your answer:
You can either wear open-toe sandals ... shoes to work at the office.
- or
- nor
Your answer:
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Lihat juga:
- Accessed on December 21,2012.
- Accessed on December 21,2012.
- Accessed on December 21,2012.
- Between . . . and / From . . . to. Accessed on October 30, 2014.
Scarcely had I finished my work when I went to bed. Klo d contoh kan kayak gini ya ka
tapi klo saya rubah posisinya kayak gini Scarcely I had finished my work when I went to bed. boleh gk ka.?
Scarcely (adverb) di depan kalimat pada inverted word order sih Rizki. Pada word order normal, scarcely biasanya setelah main verb “be”, sebelum main verb (biasa / bukan “be”), atau setelah auxiliary verb .
Semoga membantu Rizki 🙂